In Defense of Animals
A Portrait of Peter Singer

Peter Singer presents the moral philosophy arguments for animal rights.

28 minutes
Produced by Julie Akeret

What Martin Luther King was to civil rights, Australian philosopher Peter Singer is to the animal rights movement. This is an excellent summation of both the philosophical and practical arguments that underpin one of the fastest growing political movements in this country and the world.
According to Singer, the heart of the argument lies in the recognition that we should not discount the pain and suffering of another just because the being that is suffering is not human.
Many believe this is a critical advance in the evolution of our moral thinking, and it is time for all of us to familiarize ourselves with the arguments of the animal rights movement, arguments that are too frequently trivialized or deliberately misrepresented.

Grade Level: 9-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1989
Copyright Date: 1989
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-670-5
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-210-5

Reviews "For those who wish to know what animal rights is all about, I've got only one recommendation to make, see this film." Animals Agenda
"A clear and persuasive profile of the founding father of a significant movement, IN DEFENSE OF ANIMALS is a very important acquisition for library collections." **** Video Rating Guide
"Excellent. With sensitivity and clarity you have portrayed the thought and person of Peter Singer." John Hoyt, President, Humane Society of USA
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"A very important acquisition for library collections."
**** Video Rating Guide

Awards and Festivals Best Religion & Philosophy Program, Birmingham International Educational Film Festival Silver Medal, Cindy Film Festival
Honorable Mention, National Educational Film & Video Festival
Subjects Animal Rights Animals Anthropology Biography Ethics Humanities Law Life Science Philosophy Sociology Values
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