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is a leading source of educational DVDs & videos, with a collection of over 700 titles in these main subject areas:

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Baboon Tales
Gillian Darling Kovanic
Dr. Shirley Strum's new interpretation of baboon society.

John Hoskyns-Abrahall & Harriet Lynch
Having fun with babies in the water as they learn swimming skills.

Back In Business?
Emily Marlow
After 11 years of civil war, can Sierra Leone expect tourism to improve the economy?

Dale Bell
Investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing VW's deliberate installation of defeat devices in their diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle emissions standards.

Baked Alaska
Franny Armstrong
Looks at the battle over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the context of Alaska's accelerated warming.

Banana, Banana, Banana Slugs!
Daniel Zatz
Kids freely explore life among the Redwoods.

Banjo Frogs
Nick Hilligoss
An adolescent frog learns to fit in with new neighbors.

Banking on Disaster
Adrian Cowell
The grave consequences of building a road through the heart of Amazonia.

Barbershop Punk
Georgia Sugimura Archer
A David & Goliath tale of one man's fight against restrictions by Internet service providers and governments on consumers' access to the internet.

The Barcelona Blueprint
Steve Bradshaw
Barcelona today is a model of urban planning that may prove sustainable.

Daniel Zatz
Grizzly bears, as they really are, in their natural habitat.

Beatrix Farrand's American Landscapes
Stephen Ives
Lynden B. Miller explores the life and work of America's first female landscape architect, Beatrix Farrand.

Because They're Worth It
John Liu
Micro-credit, education, health information, and hope provided to impoverished Chinese.

Becoming Animal
Emma Davie, Peter Mettler
A journey to Grand Teton NP with geophilosopher David Abram to explore how the written word and technology have affected how we see the more-than-human world.

Beethoven's Hair
Larry Weinstein
Traces the journey of a lock of Beethoven's hair, culminating in the scientific analysis that reveals Beethoven's medical secret.

Beethoven's Hair (Short Version)
Larry Weinstein
Traces the journey of a lock of Beethoven's hair, and reveals Beethoven's medical secret.

Beethoven's Nine
Larry Weinstein
A deeply personal exploration of the legacy and resonance today of Beethoven's 200-year-old Ninth Symphony.

Being Caribou
Leanne Allison and Diana Wilson
A filmmaker and biologist follow the Porcupine Caribou Herd from central Yukon to the herd's calving grounds in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The Best of Both Worlds
John de Graaf
Cohousing offers both privacy and community—the best of both worlds!

Better This World
Katie Galloway and Kelly Duane de la Vega
The story of two young Texans accused of intending to firebomb the 2008 Republican National Convention reveals the workings of the post 9/11 security state.

Between Joyce and Remembrance
Mark J. Kaplan
A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Between the Walls
Bill Maylone
One girl finds a clever way to remove a mouse.

Between Two Worlds
Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman
A personal essay revealing the passionate debates over identity and generational change inside today's American Jewish community.

Between War and Peace
Emily Marlow
The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace.

Beyond Being Silenced: Gyaa Isdlaa
Charles Wilkinson, Tina Schleissler
The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore...

Beyond Organic
John de Graaf
A model of community supported agriculture in the midst of suburban sprawl.

Bidder 70
Beth Gage & George Gage
Tells the story of Tim DeChristopher's extraordinary, ingenious and effective act of civil disobedience drawing attention to the need for action on climate change.

Big or Small?
Alex Gabbay
What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5 billion people: Big, or small?

Big River
Curt Ellis
Companion film to KING CORN about the ecological consequences of industrial agriculture. DVD contains new classroom version of KING CORN.

Big Spuds, Little Spuds
Christoph Corves and Delia Castiñeira
The impact of climate change and monoculture on one of the world's staple food crops.

Biker Boys of the Dirt Island
Toni Kamau
In Nairobi's Korogocho slum, a group of former thieves trying to go straight now provide an informal motorcycle taxi service.

Billion Dollar Crop
Barbara Ann Chobocky
The history and advantages of hemp as an industrial fiber.

Dal Neitzel
Preserving the balance of dynamic ecosystems.

Biodiversity vs. Extinction
Sharon Howard and Mike Rosen
Mass extinction of species can be stopped if we understand the importance of biodiversity.

Paul Lang
2-part series based on the book Biomimicry - a new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 1
Paul Lang
Using natural processes as the model for agriculture and business.

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2
Paul Lang
Advances in materials and medicine based on research into natural processes.

Biophilic Design

A design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, buildings where people feel and perform better.

Birth of an Ocean
Mike Downie
The story of the ocean's turbulent beginnings and its successive incarnations.

Bitter Seeds
Micha X. Peled
The final film in Micha X. Peled's Globalization Trilogy examines the epidemic of suicides amongst India's cotton farmers, deeply in debt after switching to genetically modified seeds.

Black Diamonds
Catherine Pancake
Examines the escalating drama in Appalachia over mountaintop removal mining.

Black Sea
Peter Davis
Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.

Black Wave
Robert Cornellier
The story of the Exxon Valdez and the 20-year legal battle to get restitution from ExxonMobil.

Blind Trust
Molly Castelloe
Celebrates the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.

blood and oil
Gabriele Zamparini
The stated reasons, and the real reasons, for the Iraq war.

Terence McSweeney, George Lee
Using films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples, BLOWBACK explores how movies shape our understanding of the wars that are fought in our name.

Blowpipes and Bulldozers
Jeni Kendell and Paul Tait
The story of the Penan, a tribe of rainforest nomads in Borneo, as seen by Bruno Manser.

Blue Danube?
Ron Orders
Connecting more than 18 countries in Western Europe, the Danube River is at the heart of a dilemma over shared resources in the growing European Union.

Blue Snake
Niv Fichman
Preparation and premiere of Robert Desrosiers' futuristic ballet.

Blue Vinyl
Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold
Filmmakers Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold use humor and chutzpah in their search for the environmental truth about vinyl.

Blue Vinyl (Short Version)
Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold
Filmmakers Judith Helfand and Daniel B. Gold use humor and chutzpah in their search for the environmental truth about vinyl.

John Hopkins
Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."

Ian Cheney
Contrasts sci-fi ideas about terraforming Mars with the state of NYC's waterways, and questions the viability of colonizing Mars before making our own planet sustainable.

A Bold Peace
Matthew Eddy, Michael Dreiling
70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.

Bolivian Blues
Rosalind Bain
Explores the success of new initiative to reduce widespread poverty.

The Bomb Under the World
Werner Volkmer
What are the consequences of consumerism taking hold in developing countries like India?

Jack Silberman
The terrible aftermath of dropping cluster bombs during the secret air war in Laos and the international campaign to ban them.

Border South
Raúl O. Paz Pastrana
Reveals the resilience, ingenuity and humor of Central American immigrants while exposing a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.

Borderline Cases
Lynn Corcoran
The environmental impact of the 2,000 factories (maquiladoras) on the US-Mexico border.

Bottle Conditioned
Jerry Franck
An intimate look at lambic beer and three of its most revered brewers and blenders as they each navigate the growing demands of consumers today.

The Boundaries of Change
Michael Simpson
Cities cope with changing demographics.

The Boxer
Felix Zurita
A young male looks to escape Mexican poverty by becoming a boxer in the United States.

The Boyhood of John Muir
Lawrence R. Hott
The early story of John Muir, founder of the Sierra Club.

The Boys Who Said NO!
Judith Ehrlich
Inspired by Black America's crusade for equal rights, young Americans choose to resist the Vietnam War, and openly refuse military service, risking prison to end the horrors of war.

Boys Will Be Men
Tom Weidlinger
Some answers for the hard questions about growing up male in America.

Bruce Sorrentino
Brazil has developed generic antiretroviral drugs to care for those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.

Brazil's Land Revolution
Christopher Walker
In the state of Bahia, a new initiative encourages the landless to band together to buy up land -- with low-interest government loans.

Bread Bike
Beth Gage, George Gage
Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.

Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror
Steve Connelly and John Pilger
John Pilger dissects the truth and lies in the 'war on terror'.

Bringing It Home
Linda Booker, Blaire Johnson
Extols the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while revealing the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers.

Broken Limbs
Jamie Howell and Guy Evans
Looks at the plight of apple growers in the age of globalization, and points the way to sustainable US agriculture.

Brother Towns / Pueblos Hermanos
Charles D. Thompson, Jr. and Michael Davey
An uplifting story about Jupiter, Florida's humane response to an influx of day laborers from Jacaltenango, Guatemala.

Brothers On The Line
Sasha Reuther
The extraordinary story of the Reuther brothers who challenged the automobile industry, and helped build the union movement that remade America.

The Buffalo War
Matthew Testa
The battle over the yearly slaughter of America's last wild bison outside Yellowstone National Park.

Build Green
Paula Salvador
David Suzuki reports on a wide range of green buildings, from large community developments to mini-homes.

Building the Brookhaven House
Kirk Simon
D.O.E.'s prototype passive solar home.

Bully Dance
Janet Perlman
Delightful and provocative animated film gives insight on dealing creatively with bullies.

Bunch of Fives
Nick Hilligoss
Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world.

Burning in the Sun
Cambria Matlow and Morgan Robinson
An inspirational portrait of a young West African man who starts a business building solar panels from scratch and selling them to rural customers in Mali.

Burnt Toast
Larry Weinstein
Eight comedic mini-operas, each depicting a different stage of a romantic relationship.

Busting Out
Francine Strickwerda and Laurel Spellman Smith
An exploration of the history and politics of breast obsession in America, and its connection with breast cancer, breastfeeding and body image.

Busto Toxico
Megan Siler
Mediante la combinación de técnicas narrativas y documentales, Busto Tóxico plantea estas preguntas, haciendo la propuesta de que muchos de estos cánceres son prevenibles.

Butterflies & Bulldozers
Ann Dunsky
The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation.

Buyer Be Fair
John de Graaf and Hana Jindrova
Looks at the benefits of fair trade goods and product certification for people and the environment.

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