The Variety of Life

Preserving the balance of dynamic ecosystems.

43 minutes
Directed by Dal Neitzel
Produced by The Greater Ecosystem Alliance
Written by Mitch Friedman

Biodiversity is a new term with profound ramifications: all things are connected in a web of life. Any action taken in an ecosystem affects all the components of that ecosystem.
Conventional wildlife management failed to protect species and habitats in wilderness areas. A new approach to conservation biology is based on the interconnectivity of ecosystems.
The video workshop BIODIVERSITY: THE VARIETY OF LIFE, through the use of maps, diagrams and examples, introduces several new terms and concepts, including fragmentation, linkage, and viable population, which offer important insight into preserving the balance of dynamic ecosystems. While focusing on the North Cascades ecosystem, it presents concepts which apply everywhere.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1992
Copyright Date: 1991
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-366-8
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-436-1

Reviews "Packed with information...a valuable teaching program for students of biology, ecology, and environmental science." New York Biology Teachers Association
"Scenic and informative." Booklist
"Illuminating, synergistic approach to a multitude of environmental issues." Video Librarian
"Finally, a clear and understandable explanation of these complex but crucial concepts." Brock Adams, National Audubon Society
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"Illuminating, synergistic approach."
Video Librarian

Links www.ecosystem.org (The producer's web site)
Study guide
Subjects Biology Biotechnology Conservation Biology Ecology Forests and Rainforests Habitat
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