Building the Brookhaven House

D.O.E.'s prototype passive solar home.

25 minutes
Directed by Kirk Simon
Produced by Dept. of Energy/Brookhaven National Laboratory

BUILDING THE BROOKHAVEN HOUSE documents the design and construction of the Department of Energy's prototype passive solar home. It shows how standard building materials and techniques can be used with a conventional design to achieve 75% savings on fuel bills.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1982
Copyright Date: 1981
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-763-9
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-292-X

Reviews "The film does an excellent job of showing construction techniques, especially details that are crucial to energy efficiency. Graphics and animation provide succinct illustration at appropriate points. In sum, the film shows that a passive solar home is not an impossible dream but a viable and competitive idea for constructing a building practically anywhere." Editor's Choice, Science Books and Films
"From animated blueprints and diagrams, the preliminary foundation, and the frame skeleton, the evolution of an energy-efficient, passive-solar, single-family residence is traced in this smoothly wrought production." Booklist
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"An excellent job of showing construction techniques, especially details that are crucial to energy efficiency. " Editor's Choice, Science Books & Films

Awards and Festivals Honorable Mention, American Film Festival
CINE Golden Eagle
Best Practical Arts Film, Chicagoland Educational Film Festival
Midwest Film Conference
River City Film Conference
Subjects Art/Architecture Energy Environment Green Building Humanities Renewable Energy Technology
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