The Waiting Room
Peter Nicks
A day in the life of a public hospital's ER waiting room captures what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance.
Waiting to Go
Di Tatham
Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are denied human rights.
Wake Up, Freddy
Christopher O'Donnell
One man's morning routine reveals the hidden energy costs of everyday life.
Walking On Water Wasn't Built in a Day
Films of the Last Twenty Years
Shot at the first Earth Day in 1970, this new release features Allen Ginsberg reflecting on the state of American culture and society at the end of the 60s.
Walking the Cuban Tightrope
Margaux Ouimet
Centered on the legacy of Cuba's national hero, poet José Martí, this film goes to the heart of the Cuban people's enduring struggles for freedom and dignity.
Walking with Ghosts
Caroline Underwood
Predator biologist Elizabeth Hofer tracks and studies the elusive lynx in the Yukon's boreal forests.
War for the Woods
Sean Stiller, Geoff Morrison
30 years after the original protests, journalist Stephanie Kwetásel'wet Wood travels to Clayoquot Sound, BC to find out whether Indigenous and environmentalist protesters won the battle but lost the war for old growth forests.
War In The Mind
Judy Jackson
Gives voice to soldiers living with PTSD to help erase the stigma, examines the growing number of military suicides, and shows a successful group therapy program.
The War on Democracy
Youngheart Entertainment
John Pilger reports that, in spite of a history of repeated US-backed suppression, popular democratic movements are gaining ground in Latin America.
The War Symphonies
Larry Weinstein
Shostakovich's musical counter-attack on Stalin's bloody purges.
The War You Don't See
John Pilger
John Pilger's powerful and timely investigation into the media's role in war.
war, peace and patriotism
Gabriele Zamparini
Patriotism, the 'chicken-hawks' and weapons of mass destruction.
Warming Up in Mongolia
John D. Liu
Unless sustainable alternatives are introduced, Mongolia's dependence on fossil fuels and rapid urbanization threatens the environment.
Lynn Corcoran
Surprising introduction to the many facets of our waste problem.
The Wasting of a Wetland
Daniel Elias
The destruction of the Florida Everglades.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program One
Robert Peace and David Calderisi
Communities solving their own water problems.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program Two
Robert Peace and David Calderisi
Farmers and communities solving their own water problems.
Water First
Amy Hart
An inspiring story from Malawi shows that clean water is essential for the achievement of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
Water for Life
Will Parrinello
Explores the collision of water rights, Indigenous beliefs, and resource extraction through the lives of three Latin American community leaders. The right to clean water is a global issue - in Latin America it has become a matter of life and death.
The Water Front
Liz Miller
In Highland Park, MI an unelected, state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager with quasi dictatorial authority sees water privatization as key to economic recovery.
Water On The Table
Liz Marshall
An intimate portrait of international water activist Maude Barlow and the debate over whether water is a commercial good or a human right.
Kevin McMahon
An epic cinematic poem that reveals the extraordinary beauty and complex toxicity of the Great Lakes, the largest remaining supply of fresh water (20%) on Earth.
Way of the Bear in Alaska
Daniel Zatz and Derek Stonorov
The latest information about the behavior of grizzlies.
Ways We Live
Heather MacAndrew & David Springbett
New models of community living and building in the US and Canada are featured.
We Are Not Ghosts
Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young
Detroiters are reinventing the old Motor City as a vibrant new self-sustaining and human-scaled city for a post industrial world.
We Are The Radical Monarchs
Linda Goldstein Knowlton
Follows the Radical Monarchs, a group of young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice.
We Feed the World
Erwin Wagenhofer
Vividly reveals the dysfunctionality of the industrialized world food system and shows what world hunger has to do with us.
We Still Live Here
Anne Makepeace
Tells the amazing story of the return of the Wampanoag language, a language that was silenced for more than a century.
Weather Gone Wild
Melanie Wood
From floating neighborhoods to massive harbor floodgates, cities around the world are engineering ways to cope with extreme weather events.
Weather Report
Brenda Longfellow
A report from the front lines of climate change in Kenya, India, Canada, the Arctic, China, and Montana where people's lives have already been dramatically altered.
Weather The Storm
Charles Menzies and Jennifer Rashleigh
Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability.
WEconomics: Italy
Melissa Young and Mark Dworkin
The first in a new series from the makers of SHIFT CHANGE, WEconomics: Italy reports on the extensive and innovative cooperative economy in the region around Bologna.
David New
They crawl, they fly, and some even swim...
Welcome to Commie High
Donald Harrison
In-depth exploration of Community High School in Ann Arbor, MI, one of the sole survivors from America's early 70s "free schools" movement, now a thriving public school.
Welcome to Nano City
Takahiro Hamano, Tetsuya Itano
See how the invisible nano revolution is already at work in our lives--from photocatalytic window coatings that clean themselves to manmade fiber stronger, yet lighter, than steel.
Welcome to Womanhood
Charlotte Metcalf
Efforts to stop female genital mutilation in Uganda.
The Western Pacific Rim
Michael Allder
Examines the western Pacific Rim, home to 50% of the world's active volcanoes, and 90% of its earthquakes.
Wetlands Technology
Lisa Hardmeyer
Artificial wetlands purify waste water.
The Whale
Suzanne Chisholm, Michael Parfit
The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people.
Barbara Willis Sweete
Musical experiment with a choir, symphony orchestra, and three killer whales.
Whalesong (Short Version)
Barbara Willis Sweete
Musical experiment with a choir, symphony orchestra, and three killer whales.
What Our Fathers Did: A Nazi Legacy
David Evans
Two elderly men possess starkly contrasting attitudes towards their high-ranking Nazi fathers. A study of brutality, self-deception, guilt and the nature of justice.
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What's the Economy for, Anyway?
John de Graaf
Ecological economist Dave Batker questions whether GDP is an adequate measure of society's well-being and suggests workable alternatives.
Wheat Today, What Tomorrow?
Barrie Oldfield
The crisis in dryland farming, and some solutions.
When Abortion was Illegal
Dorothy Fadiman
Devastating stories from the era of illegal abortion.
When Is Enough, Enough?
Geoff Bowie
A small Cree band in Alberta battles major oil companies for their land which lies on top of one of the world's richest oil deposits.
When the Cows Come Home
Joost de Haas
Despite the success of the "Jamaica Hope" milk cow, Jamaica's dairy industry is facing a crisis, as EU trade undercuts island production.
When the Dust Settles
Louise Johnson
Gophers teach us a funny lesson in conflict resolution.
Where Am I?
Bruce Mohun
Why are some of us good at finding our way, while others are not? The latest findings in spatial cognition research have multiple implications including for urban planning and design.
Where Can We Live In Peace?
Judy Jackson
The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.
Where I Became
Kate Geis
Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.
Where Truth Lies
Mark J. Kaplan
A dramatic case before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Whether the Weather
David New
How plants survive the stress of changes in the weather.
Which Way Home
Rebecca Cammisa
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
Which Way Home - Original
Rebecca Cammisa
The personal side of immigration as child migrants from Mexico and Central America risk everything to make it to the US riding atop freight trains.
The White Hole
Juergen Haacks
Amusing animated film about our response to the toxic waste crisis.
Who Shot My Brother?
German Gutierrez
As German Gutierrez searches for the gunmen who tried to kill his brother, he exposes the root causes of the violence in his native Colombia.
Who's Counting?
Terre Nash
Marilyn Waring demystifies global economics from a feminist perspective.
Who's Next?
Nancy Cooperstein Charney
Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.
Whose Agenda Is It Anyway?
Christopher Walker
To fulfill the Millennium Development Goals, many poor countries are now implementing "Poverty Reduction Strategy Programs".
Whose Home on the Range?
Ben Daitz
The peace process between environmentalists, ranchers, and the U.S. Forest Service in the toughest county in the West.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)
Amy Browne, Jeremy Kaplan, Tony Hale, Brian Wilson
Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods
Amy Browne, Jeremy Kaplan, Tony Hale, Brian Wilson
Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
Will Nano Save the Planet?
Mike Downie
Environmental problems might be solved by nano solar cells, clean fuel additives, contaminant remediation, but are we creating pollutants more dangerous than the ones we already have?
Wind River
Drury Gunn Carr
The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.
Jon Bowermaster
Sail freight comes to the 21st Century.
The Wisdom to Survive
John Ankele & Anne Macksoud
Examines the challenges that climate change poses and discusses meaningful action that can be taken by individuals and communities.
A Witch Story
Yolanda Pividal
Deconstructs the Salem Witch Trials of 1692 in order to reveal their connection to contemporary witch hunts and examine women's struggles through a feminist lens.
Without Rights
Charles Stewart
Palestinians are denied human rights.
Without Shepherds
Cary McClelland, Imran Babur (Co-Director)
Six bold Pakistanis from very different walks of life attempt to build a new future while struggling with their country's current crisis.
Michael Rosen and Sharon Howard
Reexamines the relationship between humans and wolves.
Wolves in Paradise
William Campbell
Ranchers and environmentalists team up to protect open space from developers and to learn how to share with wolves this last wild corner of the West.
A Woman's Place - Short Stories (on one DVD)
Emily Marlow, Television Trust for the Environment
Six short films about women and development by local women directors.
Women Behind the Wheel
Hannah Congdon, Catherine Haigh
Two young western women take on the grueling 3000 km drive along Central Asia's Pamir Highway, in a story of female emancipation and solidarity across different cultures.
Bob Kaper
Energy-efficient skyscrapers, controlling waste, and innovative automobile design and recycling.
Work and Time
David Springbett and Heather MacAndrew
A program about stress. How we can overcome being over-worked and out of time?
Works For All
Mark Dworkin, Melissa Young
Since 2011 Co-op Cincy has been building an inspiring network of worker-owned cooperatives in Cincinnati to create a regional economy that works for all.
World Drums
Niv Fichman
250 of the world's greatest percussionists collaborate to perform World Drums.
World of Apps
Paul Zisiwe, Gautam Lewis
Young people are writing apps to solve problems from reproductive health care in South Africa to helping young minority adults in London who are "stopped and searched."
World of Difference
Richard Stanley
Women and human rights around the world.
ML Lincoln
Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang.
Written on the Landscape
Anna Sofaer
The Ancestral Puebloan culture's complex astronomy reveals a legacy of scientific observation and a spiritual tradition, with its powerful impact on the American Southwest.
Joel Penner. Anna Sigrithur
What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?