Banana, Banana, Banana Slugs!

Kids freely explore life among the Redwoods.

8 minutes
Produced by Daniel Zatz
Music by Carolyn Saso

This film introduces children to an animal usually overlooked in nature studies: the slug -- the shell-less snail -- the slimy, yucky animal we don't want to touch or see.
Related to the ordinary garden slug (invertebrate mollusks), the Giant Banana Slug is a vital link in the chain of life in western North American forests.
The film is designed to encourage young children to examine nature closely, as it joins youngsters on a walk in California's redwood forests where they share their feelings on encountering this unusual wild animal. The film shows the children's first reactions when they touch the slimy body, and then as they learn more, we see them beginning to admire the gentle slugs.
The film will make children laugh and will show them a unique life form, while dramatically demonstrating how knowledge and understanding change attitudes.

Grade Level: P-3
US Release Date: 1988
Copyright Date: 1988
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-852-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-000-5

Reviews "Oozy, yellow creatures climbing along the bark of trees in a California forest are the subject of this delightful video and folk song. With spontaneous comments and gentle actions, a group of children wonderously learn about these gastropods, whose eyes are located at the end of retractable tentacles. Both children and adults will delight in this sticky bit of nature." Starred Review, Booklist
"Excellent filming.... The narration is done by children and the behavior of the youngsters is completely natural." School Library Journal
"This video is designed for use in early childhood programs. Science is shown as students investigating nature, collecting data, reflecting on ideas, expressing the joy of new found know-ledge and wondering about...the world." The American Biology Teacher
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"Both children and adults will delight in this sticky bit of nature."
Starred Review, Booklist

Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals ALA Notable Children's Film
Blue Ribbon, American Film & Video Festival
Silver Apple, National Educational Film & Video Festival
CINE Golden Eagle
Golden Babe, Chicagoland Educational Film Festival
Best Children's Film, International Wildlife Film Festival
Subjects Animal Behavior/Communication Animals Children's Films Children's Stories: Live Action Environment Language Arts Life Science Wildlife
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"A delightful introduction to the world of nature and is sure to spark a child's interest... designed to leave young viewers wanting more." Video Rating Guide for Libraries