Wheat Today, What Tomorrow?

The crisis in dryland farming, and some solutions.

32 minutes
Produced by Barrie Oldfield

By the end of this decade, 35% of the world's once productive farm land will have been turned to desert. We are facing a crisis in world dryland agriculture. David Bellamy uses dramatic flair laced with humor to investigate the disaster facing dryland farmers in Western Australia.
Farmers are indebted to bankers who value short term profits over long term conservation practices. This "profit first" ethic exploits the land, resulting in grave losses of fertile soil to wind erosion, salination, and even desertification.
Bellamy calls for massive planting of trees, and a new land ethic--recognizing our role as caretakers of the countryside.
With some areas of this country on the verge of another Dust Bowl, all people must share with farmers the task of preserving the soil upon which our well-being is based.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1987
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-512-2
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-216-4

Reviews "From the beautiful opening shots of a golden wheat harvest in Australia through the entire presentation, I was inspired by and involved in this charming yet instructive video...Highly recommended for audiences interested in global agriculture, ecology, and basic soil conservation." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"World-renowned botanist David Bellamy...has enough energy to power a small village...All of this energy goes into the most lucid explanation we've ever heard about how over-production of the land results in compacted, infertile soil...highly recommended." **** Video Librarian
"Recommended particularly for younger audiences who do not have an appreciatio
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"World-renowned botanist David Bellamy...has enough energy to power a small village." ****Video Librarian

Awards and Festivals Red Ribbon, American Film & Video Festival
Best of Category, Whole Life Expo Video Festival
Honorable Mention, National Educational Film & Video Festival
Bronze Ear, Berlin Agricultural Film Festival
Recommended by National Council for Geographic Education
North American Assn for Environmental Education Film & Video Festival
Subjects Agriculture Australia Food And Nutrition Sustainable Agriculture
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 n of farming and the importance of soil, including the stewardship that all of us must take to preserve this precious, limited resource. All libraries." Choice