
 | | A Crack in the Pavement  2-part series on how greening school grounds improves not only the school, but the surrounding community. | |
 | | Cultivating Kids  On South Whidbey Island, WA, a school farm shows that a garden can be a valuable addition to the curriculum while encouraging a healthy diet. | |
 | | Earth Seasoned: #GapYear  Diagnosed with learning difficulties, Tori finds her greatest teacher in nature, spending a "gap year" living semi-primitively with four other young women in Oregon's Cascade Mountains. | |
 | | Let Them Eat Dirt:  Looks at the role microbes play in the development, physical and mental health of our children, and argues that good health may begin with kids playing in the dirt. | |
 | | Living Things We Love to Hate  Light-heartedly replaces our revulsion towards certain creatures with ecological understanding. | |
 | | Natural Connections  Makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity. | |
 | | Play Again (New Edition)  What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure. | |
 | | School's Out  A year in the life of a forest kindergarten in Switzerland where being outdoors and unstructured play are the main components. | |
 | | The Secret World of Gardens  13-part series providing a close-up look at the complex ecosystem that is the backyard garden. | |
Appleachia  The amazing array of life an apple tree can lure into a garden.
Biodiversity vs. Extinction  Mass extinction of species can be stopped if we understand the importance of biodiversity.
Butterflies & Bulldozers  The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation.
A Crack in the Pavement  2-part series on how greening school grounds improves not only the school, but the surrounding community.
Cultivating Kids  On South Whidbey Island, WA, a school farm shows that a garden can be a valuable addition to the curriculum while encouraging a healthy diet.
Daughters of the Forest  A group of girls in a remote forest in Paraguay are transformed at an experimental high school where they learn to protect the threatened forest and build a future for themselves.
Digging In  Jesse Ketchum School greens their schoolyard.
Earth Seasoned: #GapYear  Diagnosed with learning difficulties, Tori finds her greatest teacher in nature, spending a "gap year" living semi-primitively with four other young women in Oregon's Cascade Mountains.
Edens Lost and Found  4-part series that highlights models for urban transformation in the effort to make Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Seattle into sustainable cities.
Edens Lost and Found - Chicago  City Hall and grass roots groups in Chicago are working on open space, green buildings and an educated citizenry to create a sustainable city.
Edens Lost and Found - Los Angeles  Is it possible that the City of the Angels can be a model for the world of environmental rebirth?
A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
A Fierce Green Fire  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
Forests, Biodiversity and You  Can forests retain their productivity and biodiversity? Consuming less ourselves is key.
Fungi  What you see is only the tip of the iceberg.
Garden Mimics  More than meets the eye.
The Great Vacation Squeeze  From the producer of the classic AFFLUENZA, this film shows why vacations are important for productivity, happiness, family bonding and especially health.
Growing Dreams  An inspirational overview of school ground greening.
Honeybees  The role of honeybees in a common garden.
In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
Keystone Species  The principle of keystone species proves the interconnectedness of the living world.
Let Them Eat Dirt:  Looks at the role microbes play in the development, physical and mental health of our children, and argues that good health may begin with kids playing in the dirt.
Life In A Lawn  Paradise is a well-tended lawn.
Life in the Vegetable Garden  Many mouths to feed, and clever ways to avoid becoming a meal.
Living Things We Love to Hate  Light-heartedly replaces our revulsion towards certain creatures with ecological understanding.
Motor  The controversy surrounding off-road motor vehicles using public lands.
Natural Connections  Makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
Natural Connections (Classroom Version)  5-part series that makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.
Nightlife  What comes out at night in the garden.
The Old Oak Tree  The diverse world of oaks and their residents.
On Nature's Terms  Coexisting with predators and protecting their habitats.
Play Again (New Edition)  What are the consequences of a childhood removed from nature? Six screen-addicted teens take their first wilderness adventure.
Sap Sucking Hoppers  The astronauts of the garden.
School's Out  A year in the life of a forest kindergarten in Switzerland where being outdoors and unstructured play are the main components.
The Secret World of Gardens  13-part series providing a close-up look at the complex ecosystem that is the backyard garden.
The Significance of Salmon  Salmon and people both need clean water to survive. Can we make the connection?
Squirrels  What are these chipmunks and squirrels doing in the garden?
Tickle The Sky  Robert Fulghum shows us the joy of climbing trees.
Vines  The good, the bad and the ugly side of vines.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program One  Communities solving their own water problems.
Water and the Human Spirit - Program Two  Farmers and communities solving their own water problems.
Weevils  They crawl, they fly, and some even swim...
Whether the Weather  How plants survive the stress of changes in the weather.
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