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Baboon TalesBaboon Tales    View Trailer
Dr. Shirley Strum's new interpretation of baboon society.
BluefinBluefin    View Trailer
Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."
The City DarkThe City Dark    View Trailer
The definitive story of light pollution and the disappearing stars.
GuardianGuardian    View Trailer
Against the backdrop of BC's spectacular Great Bear Rainforest, Guardians and the salmon they monitor are victims of science censorship and reckless extractive industries.
Jumbo WildJumbo Wild    View Trailer
A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit.
Milking the RhinoMilking the Rhino    View Trailer
The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.
Nature's Cleanup CrewNature's Cleanup Crew    View Trailer
Examines the lives of the busy scavengers who live among us in our cities, recycling the mountains of waste our consumer society leaves behind.
No Fear No FavorNo Fear No Favor    View Trailer
African communities on the front lines of the poaching crisis fight to protect their wildlife for future generations.
The Salmon ForestThe Salmon Forest    View Trailer
Reveals the fragile connection between salmon, bears, trees, and people in the NW rainforest.
Way of the Bear in AlaskaWay of the Bear in Alaska    View Trailer
The latest information about the behavior of grizzlies.
The WhaleThe Whale    View Trailer
The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people.
Wolves in ParadiseWolves in Paradise    View Trailer
Ranchers and environmentalists team up to protect open space from developers and to learn how to share with wolves this last wild corner of the West.
WroughtWrought    View Trailer
What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?
After the Spill    View Trailer
The oil and gas industry has historically dominated Louisiana politics and is largely responsible for the state's rapidly disappearing coastline.

America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie    View Trailer
Tells the story of one of the most astonishing alterations of nature, the North American tallgrass prairie.

Ancient Sea Turtles Stranded in a Modern World    View Trailer
The use of TEDs in shrimpers' nets would allow sea turtles to escape.

Appleachia    View Trailer
The amazing array of life an apple tree can lure into a garden.

Baboon Tales    View Trailer
Dr. Shirley Strum's new interpretation of baboon society.

Banana, Banana, Banana Slugs!    View Trailer
Kids freely explore life among the Redwoods.

Bears!    View Trailer
Grizzly bears, as they really are, in their natural habitat.

Becoming Animal    View Trailer
A journey to Grand Teton NP with geophilosopher David Abram to explore how the written word and technology have affected how we see the more-than-human world.

Being Caribou    View Trailer
A filmmaker and biologist follow the Porcupine Caribou Herd from central Yukon to the herd's calving grounds in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Biodiversity vs. Extinction    View Trailer
Mass extinction of species can be stopped if we understand the importance of biodiversity.

Bluefin    View Trailer
Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."

The Buffalo War    View Trailer
The battle over the yearly slaughter of America's last wild bison outside Yellowstone National Park.

The City Dark    View Trailer
The definitive story of light pollution and the disappearing stars.

The Crabs, The Birds, The Bay    View Trailer
Migrating shorebirds feast on horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay.

Creatures of the Sun    View Trailer
The ecology of the painted turtle.

Cull of the Wild    View Trailer
The argument for ending animal trapping for profit, recreation or wildlife management.

El Caballo    View Trailer
The history, ecology, and current plight of the wild horse in North America.

El Caballo (Short Version)    View Trailer
The history, ecology, and current plight of the wild horse in North America.

The End of the Line    View Trailer
The first major feature documentary film revealing the impact of overfishing on our oceans. Based on the book by Charles Clover.

Entangled    View Trailer
How climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, N. America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both.

Estuary    View Trailer
A close-up look at wetlands ecology.

Farming The Seas    View Trailer
The perils and promise of fish farms in a world running out of ocean fish stocks.

A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)    View Trailer
The documentary of record on the environmental movement.

A Fierce Green Fire    View Trailer
The documentary of record on the environmental movement.

For the Whales    View Trailer
Writers, artists, and musicians celebrate the whale.

Game Over    View Trailer
Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.

Garden Mimics    View Trailer
More than meets the eye.

The Ghosts In Our Machine    View Trailer
Following animal photographer Jo-Anne McArthur over the course of a year, the film illuminates the lives of individual animals living within and rescued from the machine of our modern world.

Gladesmen    View Trailer
In a classic battle of competing interests, gladesmen and their airboats are being banned from Everglades National Park in the world's largest attempt to restore a damaged ecosystem.

The God Squad and the Case of the Northern Spotted Owl    View Trailer
A rare, behind-the-scenes look at the way politics shape environmental policy.

Green Animation    View Trailer
Eleven funny shorts on the environment.

Guardian    View Trailer
Against the backdrop of BC's spectacular Great Bear Rainforest, Guardians and the salmon they monitor are victims of science censorship and reckless extractive industries.

The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced    View Trailer
Two scientific expeditions to Alaska, 100 years apart, give us an unparalleled view of environmental damage and the change in society's attitudes.

Herd    View Trailer
Equal parts rumination, observation and meditation, HERD challenges us to think differently about our fellow living animal beings.

Honeybees    View Trailer
The role of honeybees in a common garden.

Horseshoe Crab Moon    View Trailer
Looks at the decline of horseshoe crabs and the crash of the red knot that depends on horseshoe crab eggs for sustenance during migration, and suggests possible solutions.

In the Company of Wild Butterflies    View Trailer
An intimate study of the secret lives of wild butterflies.

Introduction to Biodiversity    View Trailer
The concept of biological diversity and its importance to humans.

Jumbo Wild    View Trailer
A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit.

Keystone Species    View Trailer
The principle of keystone species proves the interconnectedness of the living world.

A Life Among Whales    View Trailer
A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne.

Life In A Lawn    View Trailer
Paradise is a well-tended lawn.

Life in the Vegetable Garden    View Trailer
Many mouths to feed, and clever ways to avoid becoming a meal.

Living Things We Love to Hate    View Trailer
Light-heartedly replaces our revulsion towards certain creatures with ecological understanding.

Look Who's Talking...    View Trailer
New research into animal communication challenges our assumptions.

Louisiana Water Stories    View Trailer
Hard-hitting 2-part series on the fragile state of Louisiana's wetlands making the coastline even more vulnerable to hurricanes like Katrina and explosions like Deepwater Horizon.

Milking the Rhino    View Trailer
The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.

The Monarch    View Trailer
The latest findings on the life cycle and migration of the familiar, yet mysterious, butterfly.

Natural Connections    View Trailer
Makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.

Natural Connections (Classroom Version)    View Trailer
5-part series that makes a compelling scientific and ethical case for maintaining biodiversity.

A Naturalist in the Rainforest (short version)    View Trailer
A journey into the rainforest with naturalist Alexander Skutch.

A Naturalist in the Rainforest    View Trailer
A journey into the rainforest with naturalist Alexander Skutch.

Nature's Cleanup Crew    View Trailer
Examines the lives of the busy scavengers who live among us in our cities, recycling the mountains of waste our consumer society leaves behind.

Net Loss    View Trailer
Examines the controversy surrounding salmon farms, and the threat they pose to wild salmon.

Nightlife    View Trailer
What comes out at night in the garden.

No Fear No Favor    View Trailer
African communities on the front lines of the poaching crisis fight to protect their wildlife for future generations.

The Old Oak Tree    View Trailer
The diverse world of oaks and their residents.

On Nature's Terms    View Trailer
Coexisting with predators and protecting their habitats.

Peacock's War    View Trailer
Moving portrait of legendary environmentalist and Vietnam vet, Doug Peacock.

The Perils of Plectropomus    View Trailer
The life and death struggles of fish on a coral reef today.

Pleistocene Park    View Trailer
An eccentric Russian scientist's quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop.

Possum's Rest    View Trailer
Can humans and wildlife co-exist in the suburbs?

The Salmon Forest    View Trailer
Reveals the fragile connection between salmon, bears, trees, and people in the NW rainforest.

Sap Sucking Hoppers    View Trailer
The astronauts of the garden.

The Science of Whales    View Trailer
The latest discoveries about whale behavior and communication and the grave danger posed by new U.S. Navy sonar technology.

A Sea Change (Short Version)    View Trailer
Ocean acidification threatens over one million species with extinction--and with them, our entire way of life.

A Sea Change    View Trailer
Ocean acidification threatens over one million species with extinction--and with them, our entire way of life.

The Secret World of Gardens    View Trailer
13-part series providing a close-up look at the complex ecosystem that is the backyard garden.

The Significance of Salmon    View Trailer
Salmon and people both need clean water to survive. Can we make the connection?

SoLa: Louisiana Water Stories    View Trailer
Investigates how the exploitation of Southern Louisiana's abundant natural resources compromised the resiliency of its ecology and culture, multiplying the devastating impact of the BP oil spill and Hurricane Katrina.

Songbird Story    View Trailer
The decline of migratory songbirds.

Squirrels    View Trailer
What are these chipmunks and squirrels doing in the garden?

Tokyo Waka    View Trailer
A poem about a city, its people, and 20,000 crows.

Varmints    View Trailer
The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.

Varmints (Short Version)    View Trailer
The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.

Walking with Ghosts    View Trailer
Predator biologist Elizabeth Hofer tracks and studies the elusive lynx in the Yukon's boreal forests.

The Wasting of a Wetland    View Trailer
The destruction of the Florida Everglades.

Way of the Bear in Alaska    View Trailer
The latest information about the behavior of grizzlies.

Weevils    View Trailer
They crawl, they fly, and some even swim...

The Whale    View Trailer
The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people.

Wolf    View Trailer
Reexamines the relationship between humans and wolves.

Wolves in Paradise    View Trailer
Ranchers and environmentalists team up to protect open space from developers and to learn how to share with wolves this last wild corner of the West.

Wrought    View Trailer
What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?

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