
 | | Ancient Sea Peoples of the North Atlantic  A history - going back to the Ice Age - of maritime adapted cultures of the North Atlantic Rim. | |
 | | Capturing The Flag  Four friends travel to Cumberland County, NC — posterchild for voter suppression in 2016 — intent on proving that the big idea of American democracy can be defended by small acts of individual citizens. | |
 | | Come Hell or High Water  When the graves of former slaves are bulldozed in Mississippi, a native son returns to protect the community they settled. | |
 | | Cooked: Survival by Zip Code  Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of "disaster" by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave. | |
 | | A Crime on the Bayou  A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial. | |
 | | Crips and Bloods: Made in America  Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA. | |
 | | A Dangerous Idea  Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not. | |
 | | Home of the Brave  Examines the case of Viola Liuzzo, the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement. | |
 | | Incarcerating US  Exposes America's prison problem and explores various criminal justice reforms. | |
 | | The Lincoln School Story  The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children. | |
 | | Love & Solidarity  An exploration of nonviolence and organizing through the life and teachings of Rev. James Lawson. | |
 | | Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot. | |
 | | Multiracial Identity  Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement. | |
 | | The New Metropolis  Two short documentaries highlight the efforts of some of America's first suburbs to reverse their long decline. | |
 | | No Time To Waste  Celebrates legendary 100-year-old park ranger Betty Reid Soskin's inspiring life, work and urgent mission to restore critical missing chapters of America's story. | |
 | | Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now. | |
 | | Power to Heal  The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time. | |
 | | A Reckoning in Boston  In prosperous and progressive Boston, what keeps the gap between rich and poor, white and Black, so glaringly wide? | |
 | | A Rising Tide  An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families. | |
 | | Street Fight  Tells the gripping story of the race for mayor of Newark, N.J., where elections are won and lost in the streets. | |
 | | this black soil  Chronicles the successful struggle of Bayview, VA, to pursue a new vision of prosperity. | |
 | | Truth Tellers  Chronicles the lives of Americans fighting for peace, racial equity, environmental justice and indigenous rights through the eyes of Robert Shetterly, a long time activist and artist. | |
 | | Utopia  John Pilger's epic portrayal of Earth's oldest continuous human culture, Aboriginal Australians, and his investigation into Australia's suppressed colonial past and rapacious present. | |
 | | Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)  Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims. | |
 | | Where Can We Live In Peace?  The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants. | |
 | | Where I Became  Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S. | |
 | | Xmas Without China  Explores the intersection of consumerism and immigration in American culture. | |
After Silence  Examines the treatment of Japanese-Americans during WW II, and its relevance to post 9/11 America.
Amá  The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
Ancient Sea Peoples of the North Atlantic  A history - going back to the Ice Age - of maritime adapted cultures of the North Atlantic Rim.
Between Joyce and Remembrance  A hard-hitting look at one of the many heinous crimes that came before South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Beyond Being Silenced: Gyaa Isdlaa  The Haida Potlatch. Once forbidden. Not anymore...
Border South  Reveals the resilience, ingenuity and humor of Central American immigrants while exposing a global migration system that renders human beings invisible in life as well as death.
Brother Towns / Pueblos Hermanos  An uplifting story about Jupiter, Florida's humane response to an influx of day laborers from Jacaltenango, Guatemala.
Capturing The Flag  Four friends travel to Cumberland County, NC — posterchild for voter suppression in 2016 — intent on proving that the big idea of American democracy can be defended by small acts of individual citizens.
Chávez Ravine  Don Normark's haunting photographs bring back to life a Mexican American village razed in the 1950s to build Dodger Stadium.
Cocaine Unwrapped  Documents the devastating effects of the war on drugs and suggests realistic alternatives.
Come Hell or High Water  When the graves of former slaves are bulldozed in Mississippi, a native son returns to protect the community they settled.
Cooked: Survival by Zip Code  Judith Helfand's searing investigation into the politics of "disaster" by way of the deadly 1995 Chicago heat wave.
Counting on Democracy  An examination of the fiasco in Florida in the context of the history of voting rights violations.
A Crime on the Bayou  A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.
Crips and Bloods: Made in America  Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA.
A Dangerous Idea  Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.
Darkness on the Edge of Town  Hungarian filmmaker Arpád Bogdan sets out to discover what's behind the new wave of anti-Roma sentiment in Hungary today.
Elder Voices  Japanese Americans, European Jews and peace activists who came of age during the Depression and WWII address the political storm clouds gathering today.
Facing Fear  A former neo-Nazi skinhead and the gay victim of his hate crime meet by chance 25 years later, are reconciled and collaborate in educational presentations.
Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.
A Fragile Trust  Tells the shocking story of New York Times reporter Jayson Blair, the most infamous plagiarist of our time.
Frenemies  Presents a balanced portrait of Cuban life today and a compelling argument for why the US should lift the devastating 60-year embargo.
The Girl With The Rivet Gun  Takes you beyond the iconic "We Can Do It" poster girl to the millions of real-life women who shook the foundations of the American workplace in WWII.
Great Falls  Professional, Native and antiquarian researchers combine to investigate the archaeological history and modern legacy of Eastern Native civilization in Turners Falls, MA.
Heart Of Sky, Heart Of Earth  Six young Maya present a wholly indigenous perspective, in which all life is sacred and connected, as they resist the destruction of their culture and environment.
A Home Called Nebraska  People in Nebraska wholeheartedly welcome refugees and show that the newcomers enrich their communities, their economies, and their lives.
Home of the Brave  Examines the case of Viola Liuzzo, the only white woman murdered in the civil rights movement.
Incarcerating US  Exposes America's prison problem and explores various criminal justice reforms.
John Lewis: Get In The Way  The first major documentary biography of civil rights hero, congressional leader and champion for human rights, whose unwavering fight for justice spanned over fifty years.
The Lincoln School Story  The 1954 fight for school desegregation led by a handful of Ohio mothers and children.
The Long Walk To Freedom  A story of 12 ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things in the Civil Rights movement.
Looking For My Gypsy Roots  Hungarian film director Arpád faces a dilemma - should he track down his Roma father?
Love & Solidarity  An exploration of nonviolence and organizing through the life and teachings of Rev. James Lawson.
Meddle  Acclaimed Haida Manga artist, Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas, pushes the boundaries of the art world by challenging the divide between contemporary and so-called "Native Art".
Meltdown In Dixie  In Orangeburg, SC, a battle erupts between the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an ice cream shop owner forced to fly the Confederate flag in his parking lot.
The Merchant of Venice  A video guide to the play from Shylock's point of view.
Multiracial Identity  Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement.
The New Metropolis  Two short documentaries highlight the efforts of some of America's first suburbs to reverse their long decline.
No Time To Waste  Celebrates legendary 100-year-old park ranger Betty Reid Soskin's inspiring life, work and urgent mission to restore critical missing chapters of America's story.
No Umbrella  An unblinking look at the 2004 US Election Day failures in one of Ohio's poorest neighborhoods.
Open Bethlehem  The filmmaker comes home to Bethlehem to find the city being strangled by the Wall and ongoing Israeli settlements, and starts a campaign to keep Bethlehem open to the world.
Othello  A video guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, dealing with revenge and pride.
Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now.
Panjy, Amelia, Justin and Vusumzi  Revisits four children in India, Norway, and South Africa, who were born in 1992, the year of the first Rio Earth Summit, and measures the impact of globalization on their lives.
Passage  A brilliantly innovative telling of the story of Dr. John Rae who discovered the awful truth about the fate of the Franklin Expedition's attempt to find the Northwest Passage.
Power to Heal  The untold story of how the twin struggles for racial justice and healthcare intersected: creating Medicare and desegregating thousands of hospitals at the same time.
Rain in a Dry Land  Two Somali Bantu families leave behind a legacy of slavery in Africa and find new homes in urban America.
Rain in a Dry Land (Short Version)  Two Somali families find new homes in urban America.
A Reckoning in Boston  In prosperous and progressive Boston, what keeps the gap between rich and poor, white and Black, so glaringly wide?
The Return  After California's "Three Strikes" law was amended, thousands of lifers were suddenly freed, but re-entry presented problems for the lifers, their families and their communities.
A Rising Tide  An in-depth look at the impacts of homelessness on Black children and their families.
Roma Rights  Breaking the cycle of Roma poverty and persecution.
s-yéwyáw Awaken  Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders.
The Search for General Tso  A quest to understand the origins of this ubiquitous, spicy red chicken dish and to explore the history of Chinese-American food.
63 Boycott  Connects the massive 1963 Chicago Public Schools boycott to contemporary issues around race, education, school closings, and youth activism.
Street Fight  Tells the gripping story of the race for mayor of Newark, N.J., where elections are won and lost in the streets.
Sun Kissed  One gene exposes a nation's dark past. A Navajo couple with two children born with an extremely rare genetic disorder investigate the cause of the outbreak.
Suspino: A Cry for Roma  An unflinching look at the persecution of Europe's largest minority, the Roma or 'gypsies'.
Suspino: A Cry for Roma (Short Version)  An unflinching look at the persecution of Europe's largest minority, the Roma or 'gypsies'.
this black soil  Chronicles the successful struggle of Bayview, VA, to pursue a new vision of prosperity.
This Is Home  Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.
Town Destroyer  A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.
The Toxic Reigns of Resentment  An interview film on the emotion of resentment and how it defines culture and politics today.
The Tribal Mind  Post-apartheid South Africa is the best example of people struggling to overcome tribalism.
Truth Tellers  Chronicles the lives of Americans fighting for peace, racial equity, environmental justice and indigenous rights through the eyes of Robert Shetterly, a long time activist and artist.
Unconquering the Last Frontier  Chronicles Native Americans' struggle to survive in the midst of hydroelectric development.
Utopia  John Pilger's epic portrayal of Earth's oldest continuous human culture, Aboriginal Australians, and his investigation into Australia's suppressed colonial past and rapacious present.
Valentine Road  In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath.
Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)  Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.
Walking the Cuban Tightrope  Centered on the legacy of Cuba's national hero, poet José Martí, this film goes to the heart of the Cuban people's enduring struggles for freedom and dignity.
The Water Front  In Highland Park, MI an unelected, state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager with quasi dictatorial authority sees water privatization as key to economic recovery.
We Are The Radical Monarchs  Follows the Radical Monarchs, a group of young girls of color on the frontlines of social justice.
Where Can We Live In Peace?  The moving and inspirational story of the ABBA migrant shelter in Celaya, Mexico, where Pastor Ignacio helps thousands of migrants.
Where I Became  Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.
Who's Next?  Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.
Xmas Without China  Explores the intersection of consumerism and immigration in American culture.
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