Peacock's War

Moving portrait of legendary environmentalist and Vietnam vet, Doug Peacock.

60 minutes
Produced by Earthrise Entertainment

Doug Peacock, the model for Hayduke in Edward Abbey's The Monkey Wrench Gang, has been a legendary figure in the US environmental movement for the last 25 years.
Doug served in Vietnam as a Green Beret medic, trying to preserve life on the edge of the battlefield. He came home an emotional and spiritual wreck. Running for refuge to the last islands of uninhabited wilderness in the American West, Peacock discovered a fellow creature who had also been driven back to the same mountain sanctuary, among the tarns and granite peaks. This was the endangered grizzly bear. Living on the hunting grounds of this beast--a beautiful, playful, intelligent, fiercely dangerous animal--led Peacock back to a sense of his own humanity, and humility before nature.
He wrote a bestselling book, The Grizzly Years, based on his experiences, and made this incredibly moving film that tells the story of one man's determination to resist the destructive forces which threaten our world and the survival of the wild creatures who live in it.

Grade Level: Grades 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1989
Copyright Date: 1987
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-626-8
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-088-9

Reviews "Peacock...is a man in whom the connection between heart and mind is unimpaired by the petty diversions of what passes, with most of us, for life in post-industrial urban America. He has eyes to see with, a nose to smell with, feet to walk on and courage to see him through... He is a remarkable man." Tucson Citizen
"Douglas Peacock's war is one of wilderness and wildlife preservation... Definitely recommended." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"Zoology, psychology, and philosophy classes would all be enriched by a discussion following the screening of this film. Any groups concerned with endangered species would be moved." Media Network
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"Definitely recommended."
**** Video Rating Guide for Libraries

Awards and Festivals Best of Festival, MountainFilm Festival, Telluride
Grand Prize, Adventure Film Festival, Snow Bird
Red Ribbon, American Film & Video Festival
Silver Apple, National Educational Film Festival
People's Choice Award, Banff Festival of Mountain Films
Grand Prize, Adventure Film Festival
Honorable Mention, San Francisco International Film Festival
National PBS Broadcast
Moondance International Film Festival
Taos Mountain Film Festival
Subjects American Studies Animal Behavior Animal Rights Animals Biography Endangered Species Environment Values Western US Wildlife
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