Jumbo Wild

A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit.

60 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Patagonia presents A film by Sweetgrass Productions Directed by Nick Waggoner Produced by Laura Yale, Zac Ramras Executive Producers: Josh Nielsen, Alex Lowther Editors: Jordan Manley, Nick Waggoner, Nicolas Teichrob Principle Cinematography: Nick Waggoner, Jason Mannings, Darcy Turenne, Nicolas Teichrob


"Strongly held and divergent viewpoints will grip your intellect and your emotions--a pinnacle of environmental reporting." Stephen Cunha, Prof., Geography, Humboldt State University
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[Note: Community screenings of JUMBO WILD can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]
At the headwaters of the Columbia River in BC's Purcell Mountains, Jumbo Creek cascades out of deep snowpack, past crumbling glacial ice, wildflowers, and grizzly tracks. The Jumbo Valley has long been revered for its beauty; and to the Ktunaxa Nation, it is known as Qat'muk, home of the grizzly bear spirit.
Part of an important international wildlife corridor, the Jumbo Valley is one of only two areas in North America where grizzly bears can freely roam between Canada and the U.S. But, for nearly 25 years, local people -- First Nations, conservationists, backcountry skiers -- have fought a large-scale ski resort in Jumbo. Developers face environmental assessments, political roadblocks, and local outcry.
JUMBO WILD highlights the tension between the protection of wilderness and ever-increasing development interests in wild places, while bringing to life the passionate fight to protect the Jumbo Valley.

Grade Level: 7 - 9, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2016
Copyright Date: 2015
DVD ISBN: 1-941545-60-2

Reviews "Jumbo Wild brings to life how different human conceptions of wilderness interface with economic development...The film challenges the viewer to think about how diverse actors see and interact with a lesser developed mountain landscape and the implications of these interactions. It will bring awareness and foster a greater level of understanding about the challenges and value of keeping places 'wild.' " Dr. Jeremy Spoon, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Portland State University, Research Associate, The Mountain Institute
"In the spirit of Hetch Hetchy, Jackson Hole, and Glen Canyon, Jumbo Wild clearly documents a poignant chapter in the long arc of North American environmental history. The balanced portrayal of strongly held and divergent viewpoints will grip your intellect and your emotions-a pinnacle of environmental reporting." Stephen Cunha, Professor of Geography, Humboldt State University
"Film may be the most effective medium for turning recreationists into conservationists...[Waggoner] shows outdoor film audiences exactly why they should care about protecting the mountain." Krista Langlois, High Country News
"Jumbo Wild transports you out of the classroom or living room to the cathedral heights and purity of the Canadian Rockies. Destined to win awards, this film educates the audience powerfully and fairly about a threat to wilderness. It provides perspectives from the natives, the newcomers, and nature's ways, eliciting the viewer's involvement in protecting mountain beauty for future generations." Randy Hayes, Founder of Rainforest Action Network, Director of Foundation Earth
"A wonderful film for opening a discussion on how our personal values intersect with how we treat our planet. Are human creativity, passion, and ingenuity our highest held ideals? Or is there a different ideal; one that allows for all of nature's creatures to be equal with humans? Do silence and beauty matter? Or is a strong economy our highest goal? This well-made film full of majestic scenery approaches these questions in a balanced way." Joan Maloof, Executive Director, Old-Growth Forest Network, Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences, Salisbury University
"Beautiful...In this well-paced film, Waggoner does an admirable job of allowing his subjects to tell their stories and explain their positions." Monte Burke, Forbes
"Offers a deep examination of the broad interests at stake...A thoughtful and provocative film." Zoe Loftus-Farren, Earth Island Journal
"Nature represents a timeless oasis of tranquility interposed between the rat race of modern human society...Conversely, since wilderness is land, and since land often has an attached pecuniary value, wilderness represents an opportunity for profit-oriented individuals to try and commodify land...For this writer, who is an avid skier, conscience demands that any 'development' on a First Nation's territory must only proceed with the explicit approval of First Nation." Kim Petersen, Dissident Voice
"Leaves the viewer to contemplate one big question; what is the value that we place on keeping places 'wild'...The movie establishes the core arguments behind the sacredness of keeping big wilderness intact and also points out that once these kinds of places have been developed, true wilderness is gone forever...A must see." Tim Grey, Biglines
"If you think you already know what this movie is and where it's headed, you don't. And you should watch it...An incredible documentary...Jumbo Wild is a film that respects you the viewer as well as the different voices in the debate, and successfully lays out the issues so that you can judge for yourself. This isn't a propaganda vehicle or an indoctrination piece, it's better than that." Cy Whitling, Blister
"The Jumbo Glacier Resort controversy...is representative of what is happening to the last of our wilderness areas worldwide...Although the Jumbo Glacier is considered sacred land to First Nations people, as one person commented in the film, sacred space is not just a First Nation idea; it is a human idea." Tammy Cloutier, Whole Terrain Journal
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features DVD includes SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection.
Links Host a community screening
Awards and Festivals Vancouver International Film Festival
Telluride Mountainfilm
Environmental Film Festival in the Nation's Capital
Banff Mountain Film Competition
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
San Francisco Green Film Festival
Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival
Crested Butte Film Festival
Salt Spring Film Festival
World Community Film Festival
Fernie Mountain Film Festival
Flyway Film Festival
NZ Mountain Film Festival
Oneota Film Festival
Subjects Activism Animal Rights Biodiversity Biology Business Practices Canadian Studies Conservation Ecology Environment Geography Habitat Indigenous Peoples Local Economies Recreation Science Technology Society Sociology Wildlife
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