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Bottle ConditionedBottle Conditioned    View Trailer
An intimate look at lambic beer and three of its most revered brewers and blenders as they each navigate the growing demands of consumers today.
Bread BikeBread Bike    View Trailer
Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.
Broken LimbsBroken Limbs    View Trailer
Looks at the plight of apple growers in the age of globalization, and points the way to sustainable US agriculture.
Burning in the SunBurning in the Sun    View Trailer
An inspirational portrait of a young West African man who starts a business building solar panels from scratch and selling them to rural customers in Mali.
Buyer Be FairBuyer Be Fair    View Trailer
Looks at the benefits of fair trade goods and product certification for people and the environment.
Food CoopFood Coop    View Trailer
Looks at the workings of a highly profitable supermarket, Brooklyn's Park Slope Food Coop, which for 44 years has been a shining example of a successful alternative economic system at work.
Food For ChangeFood For Change    View Trailer
The deep history of cooperatives in America -- the country's longest-surviving alternative economic system.
Good FoodGood Food    View Trailer
An intimate look at the farmers, ranchers, and businesses that are creating a more sustainable food system in the Pacific Northwest.
Keepers of the FutureKeepers of the Future    View Trailer
Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development.
Nothing Like ChocolateNothing Like Chocolate    View Trailer
The story of Mott Green and the solar-powered Grenada Chocolate Company, a farmers' and chocolate-makers' co-op, which makes organic chocolate from tree-to-bar.
Redefining ProsperityRedefining Prosperity    View Trailer
The story of how a mining town recovered from its legacy of pollution and prospered by building community around the battle to save their beautiful river.
The SequelThe Sequel    View Trailer
Daringly re-imagines a thriving, resilient civilization after the collapse of our current economies, drawing on the inspirational work of David Fleming, grandfather of the global Transition Towns movement.
Shift ChangeShift Change    View Trailer
Investigates employee-owned businesses that provide secure, dignified jobs in democratic workplaces even in today's economic crisis.
A Silent TransformationA Silent Transformation    View Trailer
The transformative power of the co-operative enterprise model, illustrated with many inspirational examples.
We Are Not GhostsWe Are Not Ghosts    View Trailer
Detroiters are reinventing the old Motor City as a vibrant new self-sustaining and human-scaled city for a post industrial world.
WEconomics: ItalyWEconomics: Italy    View Trailer
The first in a new series from the makers of SHIFT CHANGE, WEconomics: Italy reports on the extensive and innovative cooperative economy in the region around Bologna.
Works For AllWorks For All    View Trailer
Since 2011 Co-op Cincy has been building an inspiring network of worker-owned cooperatives in Cincinnati to create a regional economy that works for all.
Affluenza    View Trailer
Diagnoses the "disease" of materialism and prescribes its antidote, simple living.

After Winter, Spring    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of an ancestral way of life under threat in a world increasingly dominated by large-scale industrial agriculture.

All In This Tea    View Trailer
Crusading American tea importer, David Lee Hoffman, supports China's endangered organic farmers by searching out fine, chemical-free teas.

All the Right Stuff    View Trailer
Teaches teenagers about media, malls, money, and consumerism.

The American Ruling Class    View Trailer
A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?'

Arid Lands    View Trailer
A moving and complex essay on a unique landscape of the American West, the area around the Hanford Site in Washington State.

Back In Business?    View Trailer
After 11 years of civil war, can Sierra Leone expect tourism to improve the economy?

Beyond Organic    View Trailer
A model of community supported agriculture in the midst of suburban sprawl.

Big or Small?    View Trailer
What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5 billion people: Big, or small?

Billion Dollar Crop    View Trailer
The history and advantages of hemp as an industrial fiber.

Biomimicry    View Trailer
2-part series based on the book Biomimicry - a new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.

Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2    View Trailer
Advances in materials and medicine based on research into natural processes.

Black Diamonds    View Trailer
Examines the escalating drama in Appalachia over mountaintop removal mining.

Bluefin    View Trailer
Bluefin tuna is a thousand-pound warm-blooded giant with gills, which wholesales at up to a million dollars, and which is caught in an oceanic "last of the buffalo hunt."

Bottle Conditioned    View Trailer
An intimate look at lambic beer and three of its most revered brewers and blenders as they each navigate the growing demands of consumers today.

Bread Bike    View Trailer
Three enthusiastic young Californians are creating delicious food, promoting healthy local produce, building community and having fun at the same time.

Broken Limbs    View Trailer
Looks at the plight of apple growers in the age of globalization, and points the way to sustainable US agriculture.

Burning in the Sun    View Trailer
An inspirational portrait of a young West African man who starts a business building solar panels from scratch and selling them to rural customers in Mali.

Buyer Be Fair    View Trailer
Looks at the benefits of fair trade goods and product certification for people and the environment.

Cheat Neutral    View Trailer
Satirical look at the inadequacies of the concept of carbon offsetting.

Cities    View Trailer
Is "sustainable cities" an oxymoron or can they be made to work?

A Crack in the Mountain    View Trailer
Tells the story of the incredible, recently discovered, world's largest cave passage and the opportunity and challenges it presents to the small, impoverished Vietnamese community nearby.

Cultivating Change    View Trailer
Garden tour that proves that growing food can be an avenue to social change.

Cultivating Opportunity    View Trailer
Hard-pressed farmers in the southeast US and in Mozambique find co-ops work.

Don't Give Up Your Voice!    View Trailer
Looks at the inspirational resistance of Argentinians to the government of Mauricio Macri, whose election preceded Trump's but whose style and policies are eerily similar.

Downwind/Downstream    View Trailer
Water quality for major southwest cities is threatened by mining, acid rain, urbanization.

Economics    View Trailer
Economics and its relation to social change and our lifestyles.

Edens Lost and Found    View Trailer
4-part series that highlights models for urban transformation in the effort to make Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Seattle into sustainable cities.

Edens Lost and Found - Chicago    View Trailer
City Hall and grass roots groups in Chicago are working on open space, green buildings and an educated citizenry to create a sustainable city.

Edens Lost and Found - Los Angeles    View Trailer
Is it possible that the City of the Angels can be a model for the world of environmental rebirth?

Edens Lost and Found - Philadelphia    View Trailer
Faced with severe budget limitations, Philadelphia's rebirth is being brought about by a network of community-based volunteer organizations.

Edens Lost and Found - Seattle    View Trailer
Recognizing that the human community is growing faster than the aging infrastructure, the city of Seattle created an Office of Sustainability and Environment.

Escape from Affluenza    View Trailer
Simple living and its rewards.

The Farmers of Gaho    View Trailer
Farmers in Ethiopia have mastered dryland agriculture.

Fat or Skinny?    View Trailer
The people of India are faced with a choice: indulge in a Western-style fast food diet, or embrace healthy and indigenous alternatives.

A Fine Line - short version    View Trailer
Explores why less than 7% of head chefs and restaurant owners are women, when traditionally women have always held the central role in the kitchen.

Food    View Trailer
Devising a sustainable food system -- one that is healthy, accessible, and affordable.

Food Coop    View Trailer
Looks at the workings of a highly profitable supermarket, Brooklyn's Park Slope Food Coop, which for 44 years has been a shining example of a successful alternative economic system at work.

Food For Change    View Trailer
The deep history of cooperatives in America -- the country's longest-surviving alternative economic system.

Food or Fuel?    View Trailer
Kenyan farmer Moses Shaha journeys through the Tana Delta, where farmers are starting to grow jatropha, a biofuel crop.

Future Food    View Trailer
With 9 billion people on planet Earth in the year 2050, this 6-part series examines how we will feed ourselves in the 21st century.

Game Over    View Trailer
Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.

Gladesmen    View Trailer
In a classic battle of competing interests, gladesmen and their airboats are being banned from Everglades National Park in the world's largest attempt to restore a damaged ecosystem.

Good Food    View Trailer
An intimate look at the farmers, ranchers, and businesses that are creating a more sustainable food system in the Pacific Northwest.

Helping Ourselves!    View Trailer
In India, two community projects help people move out of poverty and gain control of their lives.

Jumbo Wild    View Trailer
A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit.

Keepers of the Future    View Trailer
Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development.

kids + money    View Trailer
Money talks. Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.

King Corn (Classroom Version)    View Trailer
Classroom version of classic film about how two friends uncover the devastating impact of corn on the environment, public health and family farms. DVD contains new BIG RIVER: A KING CORN COMPANION.

King Corn (Original Version)    View Trailer
By growing an acre of corn in Iowa two friends uncover the devastating impact that corn is having on the environment, public health and family farms.

Life 4    View Trailer
A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Life 5    View Trailer
A new 13-part series about globalization and the UN Millennium Development Goals.

Livable Landscapes    View Trailer
How growth and sprawl affect the quality of life in New England, and some possible solutions.

Lobster War    View Trailer
Climate-changed ocean temperatures shift New England's lobster fishery across national boundaries, sparking international tension.

Lovins on the Soft Path    View Trailer
Hunter and Amory Lovins make the case for energy efficiency and energy conservation.

McLibel    View Trailer
The new feature-length version and final chapter in the saga of the postman and the gardener who took on McDonald's. And won.

Milking the Rhino    View Trailer
The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.

The Motherhood Manifesto    View Trailer
Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance.

Near or Far?    View Trailer
The Nigerian Minister for Agriculture wants to ensure Nigerians eat food grown in Nigeria.

The New Metropolis    View Trailer
Two short documentaries highlight the efforts of some of America's first suburbs to reverse their long decline.

Nothing Like Chocolate    View Trailer
The story of Mott Green and the solar-powered Grenada Chocolate Company, a farmers' and chocolate-makers' co-op, which makes organic chocolate from tree-to-bar.

Old or New?    View Trailer
In Lima, Peru, a new generation of top chefs are cooking with traditional ingredients and supporting traditional livelihoods.

Once Was Water    View Trailer
Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.

One Big Home    View Trailer
Trophy homes threaten Martha's Vineyard. When he feels he is complicit in wrecking the place he calls home, one carpenter takes off his tool belt and picks up a camera.

Peanuts    View Trailer
A hand-operated peanut-sheller makes a difference in the lives of villagers around the world.

Racing To Zero    View Trailer
Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.

Razing Appalachia    View Trailer
Explores the controversial issue of mountaintop removal mining by following a grassroots fight to stop the process in West Virginia.

Redefining Prosperity    View Trailer
The story of how a mining town recovered from its legacy of pollution and prospered by building community around the battle to save their beautiful river.

ReInventing The World    View Trailer
Three 50-minute programs on creating sustainable cities, food systems, and lifestyles.

ReInventing the World II    View Trailer
Two 50-minute videos that offer practical solutions to the big problems affecting all of us.

The Return of the Cuyahoga    View Trailer
The story of the death and rebirth of one of America's most emblematic waterways.

Sacred Cod    View Trailer
Captures the collapse of the historic cod population in New England, delving into the effects of overfishing, climate change and government policies on fishermen and the fish.

Save Our Land, Save Our Towns    View Trailer
Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.

Save Our Land, Save Our Towns (Classroom Version)    View Trailer
Examines the causes and effects of -- and then remedies for -- suburban sprawl.

The Sequel    View Trailer
Daringly re-imagines a thriving, resilient civilization after the collapse of our current economies, drawing on the inspirational work of David Fleming, grandfather of the global Transition Towns movement.

Shift Change    View Trailer
Investigates employee-owned businesses that provide secure, dignified jobs in democratic workplaces even in today's economic crisis.

A Silent Transformation    View Trailer
The transformative power of the co-operative enterprise model, illustrated with many inspirational examples.

Stay or Go?    View Trailer
Who will grow China's food as young people leave the countryside for the cities?

Store Wars    View Trailer
Looks at the impact on a small town when Wal-Mart plans to build a mega-store there.

Subdivide and Conquer    View Trailer
Suburban sprawl: causes and remedies.

Subdivide and Conquer (Short Version)    View Trailer
Suburban sprawl -- causes and remedies.

The Suzuki Diaries: Future City    View Trailer
David and Sarika Suzuki explore urban innovations leading toward sustainability.

Trouble In Paradise    View Trailer
Local inhabitants of the Maldives wait for promised tsunami aid.

Truck Farm    View Trailer
Blending seriousness and whimsy, filmmaker Ian Cheney explores the promise and perils of urban farming.

Truck Farm - Short Version    View Trailer
Blending seriousness and whimsy, filmmaker Ian Cheney explores the promise and perils of urban farming.

Water and the Human Spirit - Program One    View Trailer
Communities solving their own water problems.

Water and the Human Spirit - Program Two    View Trailer
Farmers and communities solving their own water problems.

The Water Front    View Trailer
In Highland Park, MI an unelected, state-appointed Emergency Financial Manager with quasi dictatorial authority sees water privatization as key to economic recovery.

We Are Not Ghosts    View Trailer
Detroiters are reinventing the old Motor City as a vibrant new self-sustaining and human-scaled city for a post industrial world.

Weather The Storm    View Trailer
Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability.

WEconomics: Italy    View Trailer
The first in a new series from the makers of SHIFT CHANGE, WEconomics: Italy reports on the extensive and innovative cooperative economy in the region around Bologna.

Windshipped    View Trailer
Sail freight comes to the 21st Century.

Work and Time    View Trailer
A program about stress. How we can overcome being over-worked and out of time?

Works For All    View Trailer
Since 2011 Co-op Cincy has been building an inspiring network of worker-owned cooperatives in Cincinnati to create a regional economy that works for all.

You've Been Trumped    View Trailer
In this David and Goliath story, proud Scottish homeowners take on Donald Trump over one of Britain's very last stretches of wilderness.

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