
 | | Between War and Peace  The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace. | |
 | | Kosovo - A House Still Divided?  Resentment and property ownership issues remain as the UN Housing Property Directorate Mission ends. | |
 | | Paying the Price  John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions had on the children of Iraq during the 1990s. | |
 | | The Value of Life  United Nations' HIV/AIDS envoy, Stephen Lewis, makes an impassioned plea for world public opinion to focus on the AIDS crisis in Africa. | |
A-OK?  Examines prospects for Vitamin A distribution programs in Guatemala and Ghana necessary for children's health.
An Act of Faith  A group of health professionals tours the most deprived regions of South Africa providing care.
Aiming High  Focuses on Uganda's successful economic recovery in the wake of Idi Amin's regime.
All Different, All Equal  Examines progress in women's rights globally.
At the End of a Gun  The devastating effect that the civil war in Sri Lanka is having on women.
Back In Business?  After 11 years of civil war, can Sierra Leone expect tourism to improve the economy?
Because They're Worth It  Micro-credit, education, health information, and hope provided to impoverished Chinese.
Between War and Peace  The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace.
Blind Trust  Celebrates the life and work of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Vamik Volkan, a psychiatrist who brings enemy groups together for dialogue in traumatized areas of the globe.
blood and oil  The stated reasons, and the real reasons, for the Iraq war.
Blue Danube?  Connecting more than 18 countries in Western Europe, the Danube River is at the heart of a dilemma over shared resources in the growing European Union.
A Bold Peace  70 years ago Costa Rica abolished its army and committed itself to fostering a peaceful society. It has been reaping the benefits ever since.
Bolivian Blues  Explores the success of new initiative to reduce widespread poverty.
The Boxer  A young male looks to escape Mexican poverty by becoming a boxer in the United States.
Brazil's Land Revolution  In the state of Bahia, a new initiative encourages the landless to band together to buy up land -- with low-interest government loans.
Cash Flow Fever  One in ten people on the planet either send or receive money from abroad.
Castro Or Quit?  Two young doctors in Venezuela have to decide whether to leave the country or stay with their patients.
Caught in the Crossfire  Economic and societal pressures force women into the sex trade.
Cheated of Childhood  The International Labor Organization tries to rescue and rehabilitate the street children of St. Petersburg.
civilization  Iraq's history -- from the 'cradle of civilization' to the first Gulf War and UN sanctions.
The Coffee-Go-Round  Many coffee-producing countries like Ethiopia are facing economic disaster even as the demand for coffee increases worldwide.
Collision Course  Reviews the positive steps being taken in India and Brazil to confront the serious public health issue presented by traffic accidents.
The Cost of Living  AIDS drugs unaffordable in developing countries.
Credit Where Credit is Due  Micro-credit organization in Bangladesh provides loans to village poor.
Crisis Control  Ukraine's emerging HIV epidemic is contrasted with Africa's longstanding HIV/AIDS catastrophe.
Danger: Children at Work  Guatemalan agencies try to discourage child labor and fireworks production by poor families.
Dead Mums Don't Cry  Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
The Debt Police  Uganda seeks external debt relief and fights internal corruption.
The Dilemma Of The White Ant  Dominic Ongwen is both a victim and alleged perpetrator of LRA war crimes. Should he face an international court?
Discipline with Dignity  The attempt to end corporal punishment in Nepalese schools.
The Donor Circus  Zambia tries to change the conditions for international aid.
Edge Of Islam  Three Muslim students face a choice between their faith and their future.
Educating Lucia  The odds are against girls getting an education in Zimbabwe and throughout much of Africa.
Educating Yaprak  Turkey's ambitious campaign to reduce poverty includes convincing reluctant parents to send their daughters to school.
For a Few Pennies More  Iodine deficiency causes health problems in Indonesia.
For Richer, For Poorer  In Brazil the gulf between the rich and the poor is one of the biggest in the world.
From Docklands to Dhaka  English MD travels to Bangladesh to improve community health.
Geraldo Off-Line  The globalized economy affects Brazilian factory worker.
Geraldo's Brazil  Five years later, Life rejoins a Brazilian factory worker affected by the globalized economy.
Girls from Chaka Street  The break-up of the Soviet Union leaves some women with few options but prostitution.
God Among the Children  Community organization works with at-risk youth in Boston.
Going Home  10-year old soldier escapes rebel forces in Sierra Leone.
Grace Under Fire  Dr. Grace Kodindo explores what help is available for the people, particularly women, affected by the ongoing and bloody conflict in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo.
The Great Health Service Swindle  Reversing the brain drain in doctors and nurses from developing countries.
Helping Ourselves!  In India, two community projects help people move out of poverty and gain control of their lives.
The Hospice  Workers at the Mother of Mercy hospice in Zambia provide palliative care for those afflicted with AIDS.
House on Fire  Breaking the cycle of domestic violence.
How Green Is My Valley?  Documents efforts to revitalize the polluted, impoverished communities in the former coal and steel producing valleys of South Wales.
In the Name of Honour  Kurdish women fight for their rights in Northern Iraq.
In the Name of Safety  False imprisonment violates due process in Bangladesh.
In The Wake of War  A burgeoning grassroots peace movement in Burundi is aimed at ending civil war between Tutsis and Hutus.
India Inhales  Activists combat tobacco companies that target India.
It Takes a Village  A cyclone in Bangladesh results in the construction of an experimental community health center.
Kill Or Cure?  India's $4.5 billion dollar pharmaceutical industry that serves the world's poor is at a crossroads.
Killing Poverty  Has the corruption in Kenya lessened under its new president?
Kosovo - A House Still Divided?  Resentment and property ownership issues remain as the UN Housing Property Directorate Mission ends.
Kosovo: Rebuilding the Dream  Assesses the success of UN efforts in rebuilding Kosovo.
Life  30-part series that looks at the effect of globalization on individuals and communities around the world.
Life 3  A 12-part series about Globalization and its effect on ordinary people and communities around the world.
Life 4  A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Life 5  A new 13-part series about globalization and the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Life 6  An 11-part series about the effects of globalization on people around the world, and the difficult choices they face as their countries struggle to meet the UN's MDGs.
Life: The Story So Far  How the globalized world economy affects ordinary people.
Listen to the Kids!  A UNICEF initiative involves children in decisions that affect their own futures, their families and communities.
Looking For My Gypsy Roots  Hungarian film director Arpád faces a dilemma - should he track down his Roma father?
Lost Generations  Poor health and poverty condemn people in India to sub-standard lives.
The Millennium Goals  Explores the ambition and scope of the UN's Millennium Development Goals, and the obstacles to their achievement.
No Country For Young Girls?  A young Indian woman has to choose - stay with a husband who doesn't want female children, or make it on her own.
Not The Numbers Game  Six films from around the world on women solving the twin problems of population and development.
The On-going Story  Final episode examines the international community's commitment to linking social and economic development with human rights.
The Outsiders  Explores the moral and economic dilemmas that adolescents face in the Ukraine today.
Paying the Price  John Pilger exposes the devastating effect that UN sanctions had on the children of Iraq during the 1990s.
The Perfect Famine  Examines the causes of, and solutions to, severe famine conditions in Malawi.
The Philadelphia Story  Globalized economy affects American jobs.
The Pied Piper of Eyasi  The Hadza are among Africa's last hunter-gatherers. Should they follow charismatic Baallow into the modern world?
The Posse  Rap group in Sao Paulo, Brazil, expresses social problems.
The Prince  A young Pakistani landowner chooses between trying to implement the MDGs in the village that his family owns, and a quiet life.
A Question of Rights  Looks at the state of women's human rights in Ethiopia, Latvia, Jamaica and Fiji.
Reaching Out to the Grassroots  Education and community-driven development combat poverty in Bangladesh and Indonesia.
The Real Leap Forward  Reports on China's successful efforts to reduce poverty through sustainable development and targeted programs.
Reel to Real: Balancing Acts  Explores the international movement for women's rights.
Reel to Real: Holding Our Ground  International efforts to assure reproductive health and rights conflict with cultural realities in the Philippines, Latvia, Japan, and India.
Reframing Rio  9-part series from the producers of LIFE looking at different aspects of the globalization issue and consisting of LIFE APPS(5 x 27 min), LOOTING THE PACIFIC (27 min) and ZERO TEN TWENTY (3 x 50 min).
Regopstaan's Dream  Kalahari Bushmen fight to live on ancestral land in South Africa.
Return to Srebrenica  Survivors of the massacre in Srebrenica struggle to heal their community and build a new future.
Returning Dreams  In the aftermath of Liberia's civil war children are fighting to reclaim their futures and return home.
The Right to Choose  Women are denied human rights in Ethiopia and northern Nigeria.
The Road from Rio  Questions the relevance and success of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
Roma Rights  Breaking the cycle of Roma poverty and persecution.
Running On Empty  Highlights the plight of two young mothers - one in South Wales and the other in Northern Ethiopia.
School's Out!  The private school option in a Lagos shantytown.
The Seattle Syndrome  Were the WTO protesters right in their effort to protect workers and the environment from exploitation?
Seeing is Believing  Zambia begins a nationwide program to deliver Vitamin A to its population.
The Silent Crisis  The Central African Republic struggles to avoid economic and social chaos.
The Silver Age  Growing population of elderly worldwide seeks purpose and care.
Slum Futures  The slums of Mumbai are an important microcosm of how slums are developing around the world.
Smiles  The struggle for greater democracy and free speech in Thailand.
Sowing Seeds of Hunger  The AIDS epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa has crippled the agricultural community while forcing children to undertake the responsibilities of farming.
Srebrenica - Looking For Justice  Examines the massacre at Srebrenica on its 10th anniversary.
Staying Alive!  Poverty combined with lack of education and health services affect maternal mortality rates in Bangladesh.
The Summit  The UN General Assembly meets to review progress on social justice worldwide.
This Hard Ground  Civil war leads to the internal displacement of millions in Sri Lanka.
Three Sisters  Eritrea's women fought in the war. Should they now liberate themselves from harmful traditional practices?
Till Death Do Us Part  Widows are denied inheritance and property rights in Nigeria.
Triumph Over Terror  Six films on human rights around the world.
Trouble In Paradise  Local inhabitants of the Maldives wait for promised tsunami aid.
Una Paz Audaz  El camino de Costa Rica hacia la desmilitarización.
The Unforgiven  Should General Butt Naked (née Joshua Blahyi) - now a Christian pastor - be forgiven for his role in Liberia's horrific civil war?
Untouchable?  The caste system and bonded labor are still alive and well in India.
The Value of Life  United Nations' HIV/AIDS envoy, Stephen Lewis, makes an impassioned plea for world public opinion to focus on the AIDS crisis in Africa.
Warming Up in Mongolia  Unless sustainable alternatives are introduced, Mongolia's dependence on fossil fuels and rapid urbanization threatens the environment.
Water First  An inspiring story from Malawi shows that clean water is essential for the achievement of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
When the Cows Come Home  Despite the success of the "Jamaica Hope" milk cow, Jamaica's dairy industry is facing a crisis, as EU trade undercuts island production.
Where Truth Lies  A dramatic case before the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Whose Agenda Is It Anyway?  To fulfill the Millennium Development Goals, many poor countries are now implementing "Poverty Reduction Strategy Programs".
Without Rights  Palestinians are denied human rights.
World of Difference  Women and human rights around the world.
XXI CENTURY  A seven-part series that gives context and perspective to events since the 2000 presidential elections and 9/11.
Yemeni Futures  More than a decade after its unification, Yemen is still struggling to improve the standard of living.
Young Wives' Tales  Very early marriage threatens young girls' health and survival.
Zero Ten Twenty  3-part series revisits 11 children from around the world who were born in 1992, the year of the first Rio Earth Summit, and measures the impact of globalization on their lives.
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