
 | | Chávez Ravine  Don Normark's haunting photographs bring back to life a Mexican American village razed in the 1950s to build Dodger Stadium. | |
 | | East of Salinas  José is an excellent student with a bright future except that he is undocumented, the child of migrant farm laborers in California's Salinas Valley. | |
 | | Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki. | |
 | | A Home Called Nebraska  People in Nebraska wholeheartedly welcome refugees and show that the newcomers enrich their communities, their economies, and their lives. | |
 | | The Long Walk To Freedom  A story of 12 ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things in the Civil Rights movement. | |
 | | Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa. | |
 | | Multiracial Identity  Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement. | |
 | | Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now. | |
 | | Rain in a Dry Land  Two Somali Bantu families leave behind a legacy of slavery in Africa and find new homes in urban America. | |
 | | The Storytelling Class  An after-school storytelling project in a diverse, but divided, city school breaks cultural boundaries and creates community. | |
 | | This Is Home  Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing. | |
 | | Translation Possible  Using a simple filmic device, this film illustrates the disorientation we all feel on encountering a new culture, and the way we gradually learn to fit in. | |
 | | Valentine Road  In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath. | |
 | | Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)  Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims. | |
 | | Xmas Without China  Explores the intersection of consumerism and immigration in American culture. | |
Ageing with Community  The search for community and independence as we grow old.
The Boundaries of Change  Cities cope with changing demographics.
Children of the Long-Beaked Bird  Portrait of a modern Native American family that erases old stereotypes.
Chávez Ravine  Don Normark's haunting photographs bring back to life a Mexican American village razed in the 1950s to build Dodger Stadium.
Community Animals  Leading thinkers explore community, work, time, values, and change.
Community by Design  Good design of houses and neighborhoods builds community.
Concerto for the Earth  A wordless celebration of nature and a history of mankind's attitude towards our environment.
Crips and Bloods: Made in America  Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA.
Darkness on the Edge of Town  Hungarian filmmaker Arpád Bogdan sets out to discover what's behind the new wave of anti-Roma sentiment in Hungary today.
Day One  Traumatized Middle Eastern and African teen refugees are guided through a program of healing by devoted educators at a unique St. Louis public school for refugees only.
A Dream In Hanoi  Two theater companies, one American, one Vietnamese, collaborate to produce A Midsummer Night's Dream in Hanoi.
Dreaming of Tibet  Looks at the lives of three Tibetan exiles, and at the recent history of their country, which forced them to flee.
East of Salinas  José is an excellent student with a bright future except that he is undocumented, the child of migrant farm laborers in California's Salinas Valley.
Faces of the Hand  The human hand, and its use, in different cultures.
Finding Us and Them  Physically and mentally challenged people find community.
Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.
The Friendship Village  An international group of veterans builds a village in Vietnam for children with Agent Orange-related deformities.
A Great Wonder  Documents the difficult transition of three of the "Lost Boys and Girls" of Sudan to life as immigrants in Seattle, WA.
Heart of the Congo  Documents the work done, and difficulties faced, by international aid workers in the Congo.
A Home Called Nebraska  People in Nebraska wholeheartedly welcome refugees and show that the newcomers enrich their communities, their economies, and their lives.
Homeland  Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
Homeland (Short Version)  A shorter version of the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
In the Light of Reverence  A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
Islas Hermanas  Ometepe, Nicaragua, and Bainbridge Island near Seattle work together for a better life for both communities.
kids + money  Money talks. Teens in Los Angeles discuss money: getting it, spending it and learning to live without it.
King for a Day  A humorous but pointed look at globalization as Bangladesh tries to impress the President of the world's only superpower.
The Long Walk To Freedom  A story of 12 ordinary people who accomplished extraordinary things in the Civil Rights movement.
Making Shelter  Co-ops and co-housing provide new models for building community.
Maps with Teeth  Bioregional mapping by locals communicates a sense of place and regional identity.
Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.
Multiracial Identity  Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement.
The New Metropolis  Two short documentaries highlight the efforts of some of America's first suburbs to reverse their long decline.
On the Road  RV owners leave their home towns and build their own communities.
Our Mockingbird  Harper Lee's novel, and the story of a remarkable high school production of the adapted play, are used as a lens to examine race, class, gender, and justice - then and now.
Rain in a Dry Land  Two Somali Bantu families leave behind a legacy of slavery in Africa and find new homes in urban America.
Rain in a Dry Land (Short Version)  Two Somali families find new homes in urban America.
Reclaiming Community  Communities in Toronto and Oakland take back and revitalize public spaces.
Return to Kandahar  Post-war Afghanistan, as seen through the eyes of Nelofer Pazira, star of the movie "Kandahar," as she searches for her childhood friend.
Runner  Examines Guor Mading Maker's difficult yet triumphant journey from refugee to world-renowned athlete.
Running On Empty  Highlights the plight of two young mothers - one in South Wales and the other in Northern Ethiopia.
The Search for General Tso  A quest to understand the origins of this ubiquitous, spicy red chicken dish and to explore the history of Chinese-American food.
Secrets of the Choco  The Choco rainforest in Colombia faces development. What is the best option?
The Story of Eman  A Cairo girl's struggle to attain higher education.
The Story of Idrissa  Cultural values conflict with consumerism for a boy in Africa.
The Story of Pintinho  A young Brazilian athlete hopes soccer will be his ticket out of poverty.
The Story of Puttinan  A determined Thai girl has experienced the hardship of child labor.
The Story of Rosie  Teen pregnancy in Jamaica.
The Story of Sonam  A Tibetan boy in India tries to reconcile religious faith and cultural distractions.
The Storytelling Class  An after-school storytelling project in a diverse, but divided, city school breaks cultural boundaries and creates community.
Stray Dog  Oscar-nominated filmmaker Debra Granik ("Winter's Bone") returns to SW Missouri for her first documentary, looking at the life of Vietnam vet, Ron "Stray Dog" Hall, and shattering some stereotypes.
Struggle for Hope  Kabuki actor Tamasaburo Bando interprets Bach.
TemeTTeme  Dramatic children's film about urbanization and family values in Ethiopia.
This Is Home  Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.
Tina In Mexico  The story of renowned photographer Tina Modotti, acclaimed for her innovative and impassioned depiction of social issues.
Town Destroyer  A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.
Translation Possible  Using a simple filmic device, this film illustrates the disorientation we all feel on encountering a new culture, and the way we gradually learn to fit in.
Turning 16  Six teens in six countries talk about their hopes for the future.
Valentine Road  In 2008, eighth-grader Brandon McInerney shot classmate Larry King at point blank range. Unraveling this tragedy, the film reveals the heartbreaking circumstances that led to the shocking crime as well as the aftermath.
Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)  Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.
Virtually Intentional  Finding community in the cloister, a commune, and in cyberspace.
Ways We Live  New models of community living and building in the US and Canada are featured.
We Still Live Here  Tells the amazing story of the return of the Wampanoag language, a language that was silenced for more than a century.
Where I Became  Traces the story of 14 women who left apartheid in South Africa to attend Smith College in the U.S.
Who's Next?  Examines the effects of hate speech and bigotry on the lives of Muslim-Americans.
Wind River  The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.
World Drums  250 of the world's greatest percussionists collaborate to perform World Drums.
Xmas Without China  Explores the intersection of consumerism and immigration in American culture.
Youth and the Future  Teens worldwide consider their futures. What impact will Western culture have?
Youth and the Global Village  How much do teens have in common worldwide?
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