Yo-Yo Ma: Inspired by Bach Series
Struggle for Hope
Yo-Yo Ma with Tamasaburo Bando

Kabuki actor Tamasaburo Bando interprets Bach.

55 minutes
Directed by Niv Fichman
Produced by Rhombus Media

In STRUGGLE FOR HOPE Yo-Yo Ma and Kabuki actor Tamasaburo Bando combine talents to create an emotionally charged dance performance to J.S. Bach's Suite No. 5 for Unaccompanied Cello that draws its inspiration from two very distinct worlds. As eastern mysticism meets western rigor, the two rehearse and discuss the ultimate goal: a performance that enhances both traditions and transcends the cultural boundaries that naturally exist between them.
Other titles in the series are:
The Music Garden with Julie Moir Messervy - An exploration of Bach's music as interpreted through gardening.
The Sound of the Carceri with Piranesi - Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach in a virtual prison designed by Piranesi.
Falling Down Stairs with Mark Morris - Bach's 3rd Suite for Cello interpreted through dance.
Sarabande with Atom Egoyan - Feature film maker Atom Egoyan weaves a tale inspired by Bach's 4th Cello Suite.
Six Gestures with Torvill and Dean - Ice dancers Torvill and Dean interpret Bach's Suite No. 6.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1995
DVD ISBN: 1-93777-288-8
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-737-9

Reviews "The collaborative process depicted on camera is as fascinating as the final choreographed realizations of the music, as both musician and interpreter strive to unite their visions of elevating Bach's music to higher artistic planes." Richard McRae, Associate Librarian, University at Buffalo Music Library, MC Journal
"Filmed in gorgeously rich colors." Variety
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"The collaborative process...is as fascinating as the...choreographed realizations of the music."
MC Journal

Awards and Festivals Gold Apple, National Educational Media Network Competition
Grand Prix, IMZ Dance Screen, France
Silver WorldMedal, The New York Festivals
Silver Plaque, The Chicago International TV Competition
Silver Screen Award, US International Film & Video Festival
Bronze Plaque, Columbus International Film & Video Festival
Festival du Nouveau Cinema
Film Festival of Munich
Subjects Asian Studies Choreography Dance Humanities Japan Multicultural Studies Music Pacific Studies Performing Arts Theater
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