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Native Americans

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American OutrageAmerican Outrage    View Trailer
Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.
AmáAmá    View Trailer
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.
Ancient Sea Peoples of the North AtlanticAncient Sea Peoples of the North Atlantic    View Trailer
A history - going back to the Ice Age - of maritime adapted cultures of the North Atlantic Rim.
AWAKE, A Dream from Standing RockAWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock    View Trailer
Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.
Fixing FoodFixing Food    View Trailer
Our food has a huge carbon footprint. FIXING FOOD tells five stories of creative new ways to lower the cost.
Fixing Food 2Fixing Food 2    View Trailer
Looks at changes being made to the ways we produce and consume our food: inventing an entirely new way of producing food, learning from Indigenous food sources, and reimagining agriculture.
HomelandHomeland    View Trailer
Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.
In the Light of ReverenceIn the Light of Reverence    View Trailer
A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.
The Mystery of Chaco CanyonThe Mystery of Chaco Canyon    View Trailer
Unveiling the ancient astronomy of southwestern Pueblo Indians.
Standing on Sacred GroundStanding on Sacred Ground    View Trailer
In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.
Sun KissedSun Kissed    View Trailer
One gene exposes a nation's dark past. A Navajo couple with two children born with an extremely rare genetic disorder investigate the cause of the outbreak.
Thirst for JusticeThirst for Justice    View Trailer
Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.
Town DestroyerTown Destroyer    View Trailer
A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.
Tribal JusticeTribal Justice    View Trailer
Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.
We Still Live HereWe Still Live Here    View Trailer
Tells the amazing story of the return of the Wampanoag language, a language that was silenced for more than a century.
Written on the LandscapeWritten on the Landscape    View Trailer
The Ancestral Puebloan culture's complex astronomy reveals a legacy of scientific observation and a spiritual tradition, with its powerful impact on the American Southwest.
Aboriginal Architecture    View Trailer
New structures in seven North American Native communities that reinterpret traditional forms for contemporary purposes.

America's Lost Landscape: The Tallgrass Prairie    View Trailer
Tells the story of one of the most astonishing alterations of nature, the North American tallgrass prairie.

American Outrage    View Trailer
Two elderly Western Shoshone sisters, the Danns, put up a heroic fight for their land rights and human rights.

Amá    View Trailer
The untold story of the involuntary sterilization of Native American women by the Indian Health Service well into the 1970s.

Ancient Sea Peoples of the North Atlantic    View Trailer
A history - going back to the Ice Age - of maritime adapted cultures of the North Atlantic Rim.

AWAKE, A Dream from Standing Rock    View Trailer
Record of the massive peaceful resistance led by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe to the Dakota Access Pipeline through their land and underneath the Missouri River.

Baked Alaska    View Trailer
Looks at the battle over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the context of Alaska's accelerated warming.

The Buffalo War    View Trailer
The battle over the yearly slaughter of America's last wild bison outside Yellowstone National Park.

Children of the Long-Beaked Bird    View Trailer
Portrait of a modern Native American family that erases old stereotypes.

Coming to Light    View Trailer
An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.

Coming to Light (Short Version)    View Trailer
An in-depth portrait of Edward S. Curtis, the preeminent photographer of North American Indians.

Cowboys, Indians, & Lawyers    View Trailer
The story of a pork-barrel project: a dam on the free-flowing Animas River in Colorado.

DamNation    View Trailer
Explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the call for dam removal as awareness grows that our own future is bound to the health of our rivers.

A Dangerous Idea    View Trailer
Examines the history of the US eugenics movement and its recent resurrection, which uses false scientific claims and holds that an all-powerful "gene" determines who is worthy and who is not.

Drumbeat for Mother Earth    View Trailer
Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.

Fat City    View Trailer
Sorts fact from fiction in the struggle for weight loss.

Fixing Food    View Trailer
Our food has a huge carbon footprint. FIXING FOOD tells five stories of creative new ways to lower the cost.

Fixing Food 2    View Trailer
Looks at changes being made to the ways we produce and consume our food: inventing an entirely new way of producing food, learning from Indigenous food sources, and reimagining agriculture.

The Four Corners    View Trailer
The "hidden" cost of energy development in the homeland of the Hopi, Navajo, and Mormons.

Great Falls    View Trailer
Professional, Native and antiquarian researchers combine to investigate the archaeological history and modern legacy of Eastern Native civilization in Turners Falls, MA.

The Harriman Alaska Expedition Retraced    View Trailer
Two scientific expeditions to Alaska, 100 years apart, give us an unparalleled view of environmental damage and the change in society's attitudes.

Homeland    View Trailer
Tells the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.

Homeland (Short Version)    View Trailer
A shorter version of the inspiring story of four battles in which Native American activists are fighting to preserve their land, sovereignty, and culture.

In Our Own Backyards    View Trailer
How does uranium mining impact the land and the health of people?

In the Light of Reverence    View Trailer
A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.

Into The Canyon    View Trailer
Two Friends. 750 miles. One Question. If the Grand Canyon isn't worth saving, what is?

Kanehsatake    View Trailer
The confrontation between the Mohawk Nation and the Canadian Government at the Mercier Bridge.

Llamado Para La Madre Tierra    View Trailer
Toxic chemicals are the greatest threat to the survival of indigenous peoples.

Multiracial Identity    View Trailer
Explores the social, political and religious impact of the multiracial movement.

The Mystery of Chaco Canyon    View Trailer
Unveiling the ancient astronomy of southwestern Pueblo Indians.

The Mystery of the Lost Red Paint People    View Trailer
Advanced seafaring culture lived in New England 7000 years ago.

Net Loss    View Trailer
Examines the controversy surrounding salmon farms, and the threat they pose to wild salmon.

The Other Side    View Trailer
Poor Mexicans attempt perilous border crossing to US, often at the expense of family, traditional culture, and their lives.

Pilgrims and Tourists    View Trailer
In the Altai Republic of Russia and in Northern California, indigenous shamans resist massive government projects that threaten nature and culture.

Reflection: a walk with water    View Trailer
Filmmaker Emmett Brennan walks the length of the Los Angeles aqueduct in search of a vision for humanity worth living for - what he discovers has everything to do with water.

Rena Mcleod in Canada    View Trailer
An aboriginal mother fights for native justice.

The Salmon Forest    View Trailer
Reveals the fragile connection between salmon, bears, trees, and people in the NW rainforest.

Standing on Sacred Ground    View Trailer
In this 4-part series, indigenous people from eight different cultures stand up for their traditional sacred lands in defense of cultural survival, human rights and the environment.

Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty    View Trailer
The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty.

The Sun Dagger (Short Version)    View Trailer
The astonishing discovery of an ancient celestial calendar in Chaco Canyon, NM.

The Sun Dagger    View Trailer
The astonishing discovery of an ancient celestial calendar in Chaco Canyon, NM.

Sun Kissed    View Trailer
One gene exposes a nation's dark past. A Navajo couple with two children born with an extremely rare genetic disorder investigate the cause of the outbreak.

Tar Creek    View Trailer
Tells the incredible story of the Tar Creek Superfund site in NE Oklahoma and the massive and deadly remains left by the lead and zinc mines there.

Thirst for Justice    View Trailer
Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.

Town Destroyer    View Trailer
A high profile battle erupts over images of African American slaves and Native Americans in New Deal-era murals at a San Francisco high school.

Tribal Justice    View Trailer
Documents an effective criminal justice reform movement in America: the efforts of tribal courts to return to traditional, community-healing concepts of justice.

Truth Tellers    View Trailer
Chronicles the lives of Americans fighting for peace, racial equity, environmental justice and indigenous rights through the eyes of Robert Shetterly, a long time activist and artist.

Unconquering the Last Frontier    View Trailer
Chronicles Native Americans' struggle to survive in the midst of hydroelectric development.

Uranium    View Trailer
Native peoples pay the consequences of uranium mining.

Voices of the Land    View Trailer
Our spiritual connection to the land, and how wilderness can heal the soul.

Water On The Table    View Trailer
An intimate portrait of international water activist Maude Barlow and the debate over whether water is a commercial good or a human right.

We Still Live Here    View Trailer
Tells the amazing story of the return of the Wampanoag language, a language that was silenced for more than a century.

Wind River    View Trailer
The battle over water rights on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.

Wolf    View Trailer
Reexamines the relationship between humans and wolves.

Written on the Landscape    View Trailer
The Ancestral Puebloan culture's complex astronomy reveals a legacy of scientific observation and a spiritual tradition, with its powerful impact on the American Southwest.

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