
 | | Black Sea  Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis. | |
 | | Cheated of Childhood  The International Labor Organization tries to rescue and rehabilitate the street children of St. Petersburg. | |
 | | Crisis Control  Ukraine's emerging HIV epidemic is contrasted with Africa's longstanding HIV/AIDS catastrophe. | |
 | | From Chechnya to Chernobyl  Fleeing the war in Chechnya, refugees have settled near Chernobyl. | |
 | | Living Under the Cloud  A sobering look at the Chernobyl disaster, with exclusive home video footage. | |
 | | Pleistocene Park  An eccentric Russian scientist's quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop. | |
 | | Seats At The Table  Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility. | |
Black Sea  Scientists and religious leaders meet to find the solution to the Black Sea in crisis.
Cheated of Childhood  The International Labor Organization tries to rescue and rehabilitate the street children of St. Petersburg.
Crisis Control  Ukraine's emerging HIV epidemic is contrasted with Africa's longstanding HIV/AIDS catastrophe.
Fighting Back  Women in Bosnia are rebuilding war-torn lives.
From Chechnya to Chernobyl  Fleeing the war in Chechnya, refugees have settled near Chernobyl.
Girls from Chaka Street  The break-up of the Soviet Union leaves some women with few options but prostitution.
Kosovo - A House Still Divided?  Resentment and property ownership issues remain as the UN Housing Property Directorate Mission ends.
Kosovo: Rebuilding the Dream  Assesses the success of UN efforts in rebuilding Kosovo.
Life 4  A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Life 5  A new 13-part series about globalization and the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Life 6  An 11-part series about the effects of globalization on people around the world, and the difficult choices they face as their countries struggle to meet the UN's MDGs.
Living Under the Cloud  A sobering look at the Chernobyl disaster, with exclusive home video footage.
Nuclear Dynamite  Investigates American and Soviet plans to use nuclear explosives for "geographical engineering."
Nuclear Dynamite (Short Version)  Investigates American and Soviet plans to use nuclear explosives for "geographical engineering."
The Outsiders  Explores the moral and economic dilemmas that adolescents face in the Ukraine today.
Pilgrims and Tourists  In the Altai Republic of Russia and in Northern California, indigenous shamans resist massive government projects that threaten nature and culture.
Pleistocene Park  An eccentric Russian scientist's quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop.
Razvan Marcu in Romania  After Ceausescu, Razvan Marcu now fights for a clean environment.
ReInventing The World  Three 50-minute programs on creating sustainable cities, food systems, and lifestyles.
The Return of the Cuyahoga  The story of the death and rebirth of one of America's most emblematic waterways.
Rough Science DVD Disc 3  Episodes 107-110 of the entertaining science series. All shot on the island of Capraia in the Mediterranean.
Seats At The Table  Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.
Srebrenica - Looking For Justice  Examines the massacre at Srebrenica on its 10th anniversary.
Unfinished Spaces  Multi-layered story of Cuba's National Art Schools project, designed by three young artists in the wake of Castro's Revolution.
The War Symphonies  Shostakovich's musical counter-attack on Stalin's bloody purges.
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