
 | | Bunch of Fives  Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world. | |
 | | Flight of the Stone  Witty pixilation follows a stone, thrown in anger, in its flight around the world. | |
 | | Good Riddance! Air Pollution  An accident leads to a radical redesign of the Eco Van. | |
 | | Macbeth  A video guide to Shakespeare's "tragedy of blood". | |
 | | ShowPeace  Nonverbal animated series explores conflict resolution. | |
 | | Still Waters  In his tiny, one-room, after hours, free school in Brooklyn, Stephen Haff teaches forty Latinx kids reading, creative writing and Latin. | |
All the Right Stuff  Teaches teenagers about media, malls, money, and consumerism.
Ana in the Rainforest  An imaginary journey to a tropical rainforest.
Appleachia  The amazing array of life an apple tree can lure into a garden.
Banana, Banana, Banana Slugs!  Kids freely explore life among the Redwoods.
Between the Walls  One girl finds a clever way to remove a mouse.
Bully Dance  Delightful and provocative animated film gives insight on dealing creatively with bullies.
Bunch of Fives  Five funny animated films comment ruefully on our relationship with the natural world.
Cell Animation  You can escape in nature.
Concerto for the Earth  A wordless celebration of nature and a history of mankind's attitude towards our environment.
Connections  Making connections between living creatures and machines.
Day One  Traumatized Middle Eastern and African teen refugees are guided through a program of healing by devoted educators at a unique St. Louis public school for refugees only.
The Dingles  A warm and loving film about a household facing and overcoming a crisis.
Dinner for Two  A funny, animated object lesson in conflict resolution.
Dominoes  Lively cut-out animation illustrates the tensions when a newcomer enters a pre-established group.
Elbow Room  Office workers deal with a dispute in this amusing and enlightening animated short.
The Emoji Story  Explores the complex, conflict-prone, and often hilarious world of the creators, lovers, and arbiters of emoji, our world's newest pictorial language.
Faces of the Hand  The human hand, and its use, in different cultures.
Flight of the Stone  Witty pixilation follows a stone, thrown in anger, in its flight around the world.
Fungi  What you see is only the tip of the iceberg.
Garden Mimics  More than meets the eye.
Good Riddance! Air Pollution  An accident leads to a radical redesign of the Eco Van.
Green Animation  Eleven funny shorts on the environment.
Hamlet  A video guide to Shakespeare's most famous play.
Honeybees  The role of honeybees in a common garden.
Journey of the Blob  An illustration of the water cycle in a cautionary tale about pollution.
King Lear  A video guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies.
Life In A Lawn  Paradise is a well-tended lawn.
Life in the Vegetable Garden  Many mouths to feed, and clever ways to avoid becoming a meal.
Look Again  Six films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking.
Look Again - Volume 2 (night/topsy/blob)  Three films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking. Volume 2 includes "Night", "Topsy-Turvy", and "Journey Of The Blob".
Look Again - Volume I (walls/conn/snow)  Three films without words for elementary science, language arts and critical thinking. Volume 1 includes "Between The Walls", "Connections", and "Snowballs and Sandcastles".
Lower Orders  A new and funny look at the food chain!
Macbeth  A video guide to Shakespeare's "tragedy of blood".
The Merchant of Venice  A video guide to the play from Shylock's point of view.
A Midsummer Night's Dream  A video guide to the loveliest of Shakespeare's romantic comedies.
Night  Night and the imagination.
Nightlife  What comes out at night in the garden.
The Old Oak Tree  The diverse world of oaks and their residents.
Othello  A video guide to one of Shakespeare's greatest tragedies, dealing with revenge and pride.
Possum's Rest  Can humans and wildlife co-exist in the suburbs?
The Return of the Cuyahoga  The story of the death and rebirth of one of America's most emblematic waterways.
Romeo and Juliet  A video guide to this cautionary tale of teenage love.
The Sandbox  A beautifully animated environmental tale.
Sap Sucking Hoppers  The astronauts of the garden.
Seats At The Table  Portrays a remarkable college class which connects university students with incarcerated students discussing Russian literature at a maximum security juvenile facility.
The Secret World of Gardens  13-part series providing a close-up look at the complex ecosystem that is the backyard garden.
ShowPeace  Nonverbal animated series explores conflict resolution.
Shyness  Funny animation re-works the Frankenstein legend to show how to overcome shyness.
Snowballs and Sandcastles  Summer and winter hold different joys for kids.
Songbird Story  The decline of migratory songbirds.
Squirrels  What are these chipmunks and squirrels doing in the garden?
Still Waters  In his tiny, one-room, after hours, free school in Brooklyn, Stephen Haff teaches forty Latinx kids reading, creative writing and Latin.
The Storytelling Class  An after-school storytelling project in a diverse, but divided, city school breaks cultural boundaries and creates community.
A Taste of Shakespeare  A unique video guide to the most commonly taught Shakespeare plays.
Topsy-Turvy  Explores magic in fantasy and the everyday world.
Turtle World  A powerful allegory about the survivability of Homo sapiens.
Tête à Tête à Tête  A playful animated film that provides a thought-provoking commentary on how beings interact.
Victor "Gotti" Cherry in New York  A former gang leader now works with troubled youth.
Vines  The good, the bad and the ugly side of vines.
Walking On Water Wasn't Built in a Day  Shot at the first Earth Day in 1970, this new release features Allen Ginsberg reflecting on the state of American culture and society at the end of the 60s.
Walking the Cuban Tightrope  Centered on the legacy of Cuba's national hero, poet José Martí, this film goes to the heart of the Cuban people's enduring struggles for freedom and dignity.
Weevils  They crawl, they fly, and some even swim...
Whether the Weather  How plants survive the stress of changes in the weather.
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