In the Caribbean, women subjected to violence from their partners as a result of substance abuse often felt they had no right to appeal to the law. Low self-esteem and the feeling that it was somehow their fault left them trapped in a cycle of dependency and guilt. But a new generation of women is using drama and reggae to focus attention on a once taboo subject.
Other titles in the series are:
Teach a Woman How to Fish and... - Sea farming empowers women in Fiji.
Dry Days In Dobbagunta - Literacy program spurs anti-liquor campaign in rural India and empowers women.
A Healthy Start - The debate over women's health care in South Africa.
The Amahs of Hong Kong - Filipino women exploited as maids in Hong Kong.
Footprints of Sorrow - Guatemalan war widows fighting for human rights.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1995
DVD ISBN: 1-94154-510-6
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-664-X

Reviews "Express(es)...women's desire for independence, self-sufficiency and the important role of having a voice in the process of paced, yet informative... geared toward the advanced high school student and above...has a place in all video collections in the areas of Women's Studies, History, Sociology and Anthropology. Highly Recommended." Belinda L. Robinson-Jones, MC Journal