
 | | Argentina: Turning Around  An intimate view of new models of work, politics and community development in Argentina. | |
 | | Buyer Be Fair  Looks at the benefits of fair trade goods and product certification for people and the environment. | |
 | | Keepers of the Future  Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development. | |
 | | Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa. | |
 | | Near or Far?  The Nigerian Minister for Agriculture wants to ensure Nigerians eat food grown in Nigeria. | |
 | | Nothing Like Chocolate  The story of Mott Green and the solar-powered Grenada Chocolate Company, a farmers' and chocolate-makers' co-op, which makes organic chocolate from tree-to-bar. | |
 | | Water First  An inspiring story from Malawi shows that clean water is essential for the achievement of the UN's Millennium Development Goals. | |
 | | Weather The Storm  Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability. | |
Addicted to Plastic  Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.
The Age of Stupid  An old man (Pete Postlethwaite) living in a devastated world, watches 'archive' footage from today and asks: Why didn't we stop climate change when we had the chance?
All In This Tea  Crusading American tea importer, David Lee Hoffman, supports China's endangered organic farmers by searching out fine, chemical-free teas.
Another World is Possible  A rousing account of the 2002 World Social Forum that will inspire activists everywhere.
Argentina: Hope in Hard Times  The Argentine people, in the face of economic collapse, provide a hopeful example for the rest of us.
Argentina: Turning Around  An intimate view of new models of work, politics and community development in Argentina.
The Barcelona Blueprint  Barcelona today is a model of urban planning that may prove sustainable.
Between War and Peace  The United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Liberia encourages combatants to turn in their weapons and wage peace.
Big or Small?  What's the best method of growing food for a hungry population of 9.5 billion people: Big, or small?
Biophilic Design  A design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, buildings where people feel and perform better.
Borderline Cases  The environmental impact of the 2,000 factories (maquiladoras) on the US-Mexico border.
Burning in the Sun  An inspirational portrait of a young West African man who starts a business building solar panels from scratch and selling them to rural customers in Mali.
Buyer Be Fair  Looks at the benefits of fair trade goods and product certification for people and the environment.
Chasing Water  Breathtaking photography tells the story of the Colorado River, which flowed to the sea for 6 million years and now dries up 90 miles short of the Sea of Cortez.
Cities  Is "sustainable cities" an oxymoron or can they be made to work?
City Life  Explores Sao Paolo in introduction to series examining the effects of globalization on people and cities.
Coral Gardeners  Follows a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income.
A Crack in the Mountain  Tells the story of the incredible, recently discovered, world's largest cave passage and the opportunity and challenges it presents to the small, impoverished Vietnamese community nearby.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution  Two-part series examining Cuba's enormous experiment in sustainable development in the face of an economic crisis brought on by the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 1  Examines Cuba's response to the food crisis created by the collapse of the Soviet Bloc in 1989.
Cuba: The Accidental Revolution - Pt. 2  In spite of the economic crisis and US embargo, the Cuban health system is an outstanding success story around the world.
Cultivating Opportunity  Hard-pressed farmers in the southeast US and in Mozambique find co-ops work.
Danger: Children at Work  Guatemalan agencies try to discourage child labor and fireworks production by poor families.
Diamond Road  Examines every facet of the diamond trade from the prospectors to the miners, cutters, jewelers, smugglers and dealers, and advocates for fair trade.
Doing the Right Thing  Porto Alegre, Brazil has benefited from urban revitalization.
Empty Oceans, Empty Nets  Examines the global marine fisheries crisis and the efforts to implement sustainable fishing practices.
The Farmers of Gaho  Farmers in Ethiopia have mastered dryland agriculture.
Fat or Skinny?  The people of India are faced with a choice: indulge in a Western-style fast food diet, or embrace healthy and indigenous alternatives.
Food or Fuel?  Kenyan farmer Moses Shaha journeys through the Tana Delta, where farmers are starting to grow jatropha, a biofuel crop.
Future Food  With 9 billion people on planet Earth in the year 2050, this 6-part series examines how we will feed ourselves in the 21st century.
Game Over  Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.
Keepers of the Future  Following El Salvador's civil war, a farmers' cooperative puts down roots, builds resilience and provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development.
Life 3  A 12-part series about Globalization and its effect on ordinary people and communities around the world.
Life 4  A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.
Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.
The Millennium Goals  Explores the ambition and scope of the UN's Millennium Development Goals, and the obstacles to their achievement.
Missing Out  Anemia threatens the population of Niger and Tanzania.
Moments of Truth  Charles Stewart, whose 1984 film alerted the world to the Ethiopian famine, returns to check whether the people he filmed then are now free from danger.
Near or Far?  The Nigerian Minister for Agriculture wants to ensure Nigerians eat food grown in Nigeria.
The New Metropolis  Two short documentaries highlight the efforts of some of America's first suburbs to reverse their long decline.
Nothing Like Chocolate  The story of Mott Green and the solar-powered Grenada Chocolate Company, a farmers' and chocolate-makers' co-op, which makes organic chocolate from tree-to-bar.
Old or New?  In Lima, Peru, a new generation of top chefs are cooking with traditional ingredients and supporting traditional livelihoods.
The Perfect Famine  Examines the causes of, and solutions to, severe famine conditions in Malawi.
Planet Neighborhood  The latest in energy saving technology and good design.
The Real Leap Forward  Reports on China's successful efforts to reduce poverty through sustainable development and targeted programs.
Reframing Rio  9-part series from the producers of LIFE looking at different aspects of the globalization issue and consisting of LIFE APPS(5 x 27 min), LOOTING THE PACIFIC (27 min) and ZERO TEN TWENTY (3 x 50 min).
Rising Waters  Shows that global warming is already hurting the Pacific Islands.
Risky Business  A discussion-starter on genetically engineered plants and animals.
The Road from Rio  Questions the relevance and success of the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg.
The Rubber Tappers  Rubber tappers live sustainable lifestyle.
Secrets of the Choco  The Choco rainforest in Colombia faces development. What is the best option?
Stay or Go?  Who will grow China's food as young people leave the countryside for the cities?
Warming Up in Mongolia  Unless sustainable alternatives are introduced, Mongolia's dependence on fossil fuels and rapid urbanization threatens the environment.
Water First  An inspiring story from Malawi shows that clean water is essential for the achievement of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
We Feed the World  Vividly reveals the dysfunctionality of the industrialized world food system and shows what world hunger has to do with us.
Weather Report  A report from the front lines of climate change in Kenya, India, Canada, the Arctic, China, and Montana where people's lives have already been dramatically altered.
Weather The Storm  Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability.
When the Cows Come Home  Despite the success of the "Jamaica Hope" milk cow, Jamaica's dairy industry is facing a crisis, as EU trade undercuts island production.
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