The Decade of Destruction, Classroom Version Series
The Rubber Tappers

Rubber tappers live sustainable lifestyle.

10 minutes
Directed by Adrian Cowell
Produced by Nomad Films Ltd

Rubber tappers had made peace with the Indians and learned forest survival skills from them 70 years ago. Their lifestyle can be sustained indefinitely, in sharp contrast to that of the colonists, who invaded their land. In some places the rubber tappers organized themselves and successfully defended their lands. Chico Mendes was one of their leaders who campaigned for the defense of all Amazonia and was assassinated by local ranchers for his effort. But his alliance with the Indians and the example of his life gives hope for the future of the Amazon.
Other titles in the series are:
The Rainforest - The mechanics of a rainforest.
The Colonists - Colonists invading the rainforest.
The Development Road - The road to rainforest destruction.
The Indians - The displaced Indian tribes of the Amazon rainforest.
The Politicians - Politicians plunder the Amazon rainforest.

Grade Level: 6-12
US Release Date: 1991
Copyright Date: 1991
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-460-5
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-359-4

Reviews "A sobering true story of human rapacity, The Decade of Destruction: The Indians is highly recommended for classroom viewing, along with the rest of The Decade of Destruction series: The Rainforest, The Colonists, The Development Road, The Rubber Tappers, and The Politicians." The Midwest Book Review
"The tragedy is examined globally...in an unambiguous and intelligent manner." Children's Video Review Newsletter
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Subjects Brazil Children's Films Developing World Environment Forests and Rainforests Social Studies South America Sustainable Development
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