Thomas Berry: The Great Story (Home Video Version)
For Personal Use Only

Portrays the life and work of the famous eco-theologian.

 49 minutes
Produced by Nancy Stetson and Penny Morrell
Edited by Emma Morris and Jane Zipp Original Music by Gary Schreiner


"This is a powerful film about one of the most important thinkers of our time." Matthew Fox
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As a pioneer in the field of spirituality and ecology, Thomas Berry created a quiet revolution. He was a monk, a cultural historian, an author, a teacher, and a mystic.
He saw his life work as waking us up to that sacred story. He called us "mad" for the way we are despoiling our home, our planet, its beauty, and its living systems. He was a force that reminded us that we are living through the greatest extinction spasm of the past 65 million years. We are the ones responsible. Berry urged us to change our ways.
At the heart of the film is Berry's experience of the universe as a cosmic liturgy. He reminds us that "we are not a collection of objects but a communion of subjects." His values were rooted in this sacred cosmology which includes the entire natural world. The mountains, rivers, birds, fish, all living organisms are not there for our use but for a union which is needed for us to become who we are. As Berry said, "I am not myself without everything else."

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2002
Copyright Date: 2002
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-953-3

Reviews "Tom gave us the picture--it's a picture of the earth as the center of everything...of our consciousness, of our physical being, of our world. As a theological person, that really turned my whole thinking upside down." Rev. James Parks Morton
"We are grateful to Thomas Berry and to the makers of this marvelous film who have captured some of his spirit and his deep message so important for our times." Matthew Fox
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DVD Features The DVD contains 47 minutes of additional interviews with Thomas Berry on The Great Work (History, Reinventing the Human, The Corporation), Universe (Spirit/Matter, Linear Time vs. Seasonal Time, Existence), and Art (Poems, Creative Disequilibrium), plus scene selection.
Subjects American Studies Biography Cosmology Ecology Environmental Ethics Religion
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