The Art of Being Human
A Portrait of Frederick Franck

Frederick Frank was a remarkable artist who helps us see the humanity in others.

28 minutes
Directed by Emily Squires
Produced by Leonard M. Marks and Peter Laurence

This is an inspirational portrait of the artist Frederick Franck, author of The Zen of Seeing. Born on the border of Holland and Belgium, where both World Wars began, Franck has seen firsthand the horrors of modern warfare. Living now in upstate New York, his life's work - through painting, sculpture, and books - has been to help people see the humanity in others, so that they will not be able to tolerate or be involved in violence towards others. It's a message with particular significance in the wake of Rwanda, Kosovo, and Littleton, CO.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1995
Copyright Date: 1995
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-669-1
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-630-5

Reviews "Frederick Franck is one of a rare and precious breed-an authentic troubadour whose lyricism is pure in word and image. He quietly roams our materialistic world and shows us that even here, even now, there is hope for our soul." Jacob Needleman, author of Money and the Meaning of Life
"Franck's spiritual nature and his view of art as a means to 'transmit the preciousness of life' is an ennobling one which may be most appropriate for classroom use." Video Librarian
"In an era marked with growing intolerance, this video may help remind viewers of the value of all human life." School Library Journal
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"This video may help remind viewers of the value of all human life."
School Library Journal

Awards and Festivals CINE Golden Eagle
American Psychiatric Association Meeting
Subjects Aging American Studies Art Biography Conflict Resolution Human Relations Humanities Mental Health Philosophy War and Peace War and Peace
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