
 | | After Winter, Spring  An intimate portrait of an ancestral way of life under threat in a world increasingly dominated by large-scale industrial agriculture. | |
 | | Between Earth & Sky  Nalini Nadkarni pioneered the study of rainforest canopies and shares with us the gift of what she sees. She fell 50 ft and nearly died but continues her devotion to helping us appreciate the wonder of trees. | |
 | | Bringing It Home  Extols the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while revealing the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers. | |
 | | The Buffalo War  The battle over the yearly slaughter of America's last wild bison outside Yellowstone National Park. | |
 | | Butterflies & Bulldozers  The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation. | |
 | | Coral Gardeners  Follows a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income. | |
 | | DIRT! The Movie  The story of Earth's most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility, from its miraculous beginning to its crippling degradation. | |
 | | Ever Green  How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life. | |
 | | Gladesmen  In a classic battle of competing interests, gladesmen and their airboats are being banned from Everglades National Park in the world's largest attempt to restore a damaged ecosystem. | |
 | | Horseshoe Crab Moon  Looks at the decline of horseshoe crabs and the crash of the red knot that depends on horseshoe crab eggs for sustenance during migration, and suggests possible solutions. | |
 | | Into The Canyon  Two Friends. 750 miles. One Question. If the Grand Canyon isn't worth saving, what is? | |
 | | Jumbo Wild  A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit. | |
 | | A Life Among Whales  A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne. | |
 | | Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa. | |
 | | Nature's Cleanup Crew  Examines the lives of the busy scavengers who live among us in our cities, recycling the mountains of waste our consumer society leaves behind. | |
 | | No Fear No Favor  African communities on the front lines of the poaching crisis fight to protect their wildlife for future generations. | |
 | | Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions. | |
 | | Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty  The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty. | |
 | | Weather The Storm  Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability. | |
 | | The Whale  The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people. | |
 | | A Will for the Woods  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death. | |
After Winter, Spring  An intimate portrait of an ancestral way of life under threat in a world increasingly dominated by large-scale industrial agriculture.
All In This Tea  Crusading American tea importer, David Lee Hoffman, supports China's endangered organic farmers by searching out fine, chemical-free teas.
Ancient Sea Turtles Stranded in a Modern World  The use of TEDs in shrimpers' nets would allow sea turtles to escape.
Baboon Tales  Dr. Shirley Strum's new interpretation of baboon society.
Between Earth & Sky  Nalini Nadkarni pioneered the study of rainforest canopies and shares with us the gift of what she sees. She fell 50 ft and nearly died but continues her devotion to helping us appreciate the wonder of trees.
Biophilic Design  A design revolution that connects buildings to the natural world, buildings where people feel and perform better.
Bringing It Home  Extols the many benefits of industrial hemp for the environment and human health, while revealing the obstacles to what could be a thriving industry for U.S. farmers.
The Buffalo War  The battle over the yearly slaughter of America's last wild bison outside Yellowstone National Park.
Butterflies & Bulldozers  The fight to save San Francisco's San Bruno Mountain speaks to the global dilemma of economic growth versus species preservation.
Chasing Water  Breathtaking photography tells the story of the Colorado River, which flowed to the sea for 6 million years and now dries up 90 miles short of the Sea of Cortez.
Come Hell or High Water  When the graves of former slaves are bulldozed in Mississippi, a native son returns to protect the community they settled.
Coral Gardeners  Follows a novel experiment in the Maldives to regrow coral reefs, which offer protection, food and income.
The Crabs, The Birds, The Bay  Migrating shorebirds feast on horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay.
A Crack in the Mountain  Tells the story of the incredible, recently discovered, world's largest cave passage and the opportunity and challenges it presents to the small, impoverished Vietnamese community nearby.
DamNation  Explores the sea change in national attitude from pride in big dams as engineering wonders to the call for dam removal as awareness grows that our own future is bound to the health of our rivers.
Daughters of the Forest  A group of girls in a remote forest in Paraguay are transformed at an experimental high school where they learn to protect the threatened forest and build a future for themselves.
David Brower  An interview with America's foremost environmentalist.
DIRT! The Movie  The story of Earth's most valuable and underappreciated source of fertility, from its miraculous beginning to its crippling degradation.
Dirty Business  Reveals the true social and environmental costs of coal power and looks at promising developments in renewable energy technology.
El Caballo  The history, ecology, and current plight of the wild horse in North America.
Entangled  How climate change has accelerated a collision between one of the world's most endangered species, N. America's most valuable fishery, and a federal agency mandated to protect both.
Ever Green  How a small organization mobilized their island community to protect forests, farmlands, and shorelines from development in order to preserve a healthy rural way of life.
Evolution of Organic  The story of organic agriculture, told by those in California who built the movement.
A Fierce Green Fire (Classroom Version)  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
A Fierce Green Fire  The documentary of record on the environmental movement.
Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.
Game Over  Explores the changing face of conservation in Kenya.
Gladesmen  In a classic battle of competing interests, gladesmen and their airboats are being banned from Everglades National Park in the world's largest attempt to restore a damaged ecosystem.
The God Squad and the Case of the Northern Spotted Owl  A rare, behind-the-scenes look at the way politics shape environmental policy.
Horseshoe Crab Moon  Looks at the decline of horseshoe crabs and the crash of the red knot that depends on horseshoe crab eggs for sustenance during migration, and suggests possible solutions.
Into The Canyon  Two Friends. 750 miles. One Question. If the Grand Canyon isn't worth saving, what is?
Jumbo Wild  A 25-year battle in Canada's iconic Jumbo Valley pits developers of a large ski resort against conservationists, backcountry skiers and First Nations, who revere it as home of the grizzly bear spirit.
A Life Among Whales  A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne.
Lobster War  Climate-changed ocean temperatures shift New England's lobster fishery across national boundaries, sparking international tension.
Milking the Rhino  The promise of community-based conservation in Africa.
The Monarch  The latest findings on the life cycle and migration of the familiar, yet mysterious, butterfly.
Motor  The controversy surrounding off-road motor vehicles using public lands.
A Naturalist in the Rainforest  A journey into the rainforest with naturalist Alexander Skutch.
Nature's Cleanup Crew  Examines the lives of the busy scavengers who live among us in our cities, recycling the mountains of waste our consumer society leaves behind.
The New Green Giants  Examines the complex and controversial world of today's exploding organic food industry.
No Fear No Favor  African communities on the front lines of the poaching crisis fight to protect their wildlife for future generations.
On Nature's Terms  Coexisting with predators and protecting their habitats.
Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.
The Perils of Plectropomus  The life and death struggles of fish on a coral reef today.
Planetary  A provocative and breathtaking wakeup call - a cross continental cinematic journey that explores our cosmic origins and our future as a species.
Pleistocene Park  An eccentric Russian scientist's quixotic quest to recreate a vanished ice age ecosystem and save the world from a catastrophic global warming feedback loop.
Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.
Sacred Cod  Captures the collapse of the historic cod population in New England, delving into the effects of overfishing, climate change and government policies on fishermen and the fish.
Secrets of the Choco  The Choco rainforest in Colombia faces development. What is the best option?
Silent Sentinels  Was the unprecedented mass coral bleaching in 1998 proof of global warming?
Southbound  Examines logging in the southeastern US and the controversy over chip mills.
Stewart Udall: The Politics of Beauty  The life and legacy of unsung hero Stewart Udall, one of America's most effective environmentalists in his role as Secretary of the Interior protecting our shared natural heritage and beauty.
Thirst for Justice  Focuses on three battles for clean water—on the Navajo Reservation, in Flint MI, and at Standing Rock—united in the belief that Water Is Life.
Varmints  The controversy surrounding the decline of the prairie dog.
War for the Woods  30 years after the original protests, journalist Stephanie Kwetįsel'wet Wood travels to Clayoquot Sound, BC to find out whether Indigenous and environmentalist protesters won the battle but lost the war for old growth forests.
Weather The Storm  Fishing communities on France's western coast show the path to sustainability.
The Whale  The story of Luna, a young wild killer whale, who challenged the established order of things when he tried to make friends with people.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
Wolf  Reexamines the relationship between humans and wolves.
Wrenched  Captures the generations of eco-activists, from the 1960s to the present day, inspired by Edward Abbey's passionate defense of wilderness in The Monkey Wrench Gang.
You've Been Trumped  In this David and Goliath story, proud Scottish homeowners take on Donald Trump over one of Britain's very last stretches of wilderness.
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