Fat City

Sorts fact from fiction in the struggle for weight loss.

28 minutes
Produced by Robert Dean and Roger Bingham for KCET

More than two-thirds of Americans are considered overweight. This year over a quarter of the population will go on a diet, but less than 5% will be able to keep the weight off for good. This never-ending struggle for weight loss is the subject of FAT CITY.
Roger Bingham takes viewers to the Pima Indian Reservation in Arizona. Obesity runs rampant among the Pimas, resulting in an epidemic of diabetes and hypertension. Their weight problem can be linked in part to what scientists call a "thrifty gene," which during ancient times enabled the Pimas to store fat when food was in short supply.
FAT CITY also investigates other genetic and environmental factors that may account for expanding waistlines, including metabolic rate, diet, exercise, and the brain's biochemistry. Bingham discusses the controversial "set point theory" of weight regulation, an internal mechanism that seems to keep weight within a fairly constant range.
See FAT CITY for a scientific, yet light-hearted and compassionate understanding of obesity.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1990
Copyright Date: 1990
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-841-4
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-082-X

Reviews "Fascinatingly illuminated are the interrelationships of genetic predisposition, metabolic rate and efficiency, and biochemical mechanisms in causing obesity. An informed and enlightening resource for science and health classes." Booklist
"An interesting and exceptionally well-made program...The video is educational rather than persuasive in nature. Bingham is not pushing a product, promoting a fad diet, or promising magic results; he is merely offering information...Very highly recommended." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
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"An informed and enlightening resource for science and health classes."

Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals CINE Golden Eagle
Red Ribbon, American Film & Video Festival
Bronze Plaque, Columbus Int'l Film & Video Festival
Subjects American Studies Biology Community Health Food And Nutrition Genetics Health Home Economics Life Science Native Americans
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