
 | | Addicted to Plastic  Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions. | |
 | | Going Green  Reducing the "unfriendly" impact of your household on the environment. | |
 | | Here's My Question: Where Does My Garbage Go?  A fun film to teach kids about waste and recycling. | |
 | | The Next Industrial Revolution  Architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart bring together ecology and human design. | |
 | | Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint. | |
 | | Tapped  An unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. | |
 | | Work  Energy-efficient skyscrapers, controlling waste, and innovative automobile design and recycling. | |
Addicted to Plastic  Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.
Biomimicry  2-part series based on the book Biomimicry - a new science that studies nature's best ideas and then imitates these designs and processes to solve human problems.
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 1  Using natural processes as the model for agriculture and business.
Biomimicry: Learning from Nature - Part 2  Advances in materials and medicine based on research into natural processes.
Burning in the Sun  An inspirational portrait of a young West African man who starts a business building solar panels from scratch and selling them to rural customers in Mali.
The Car  Automobiles designed for recycling.
City Life  22-part series examining the effect of globalization on people and cities worldwide.
Community - Planet Neighborhood  Community regeneration, energy-efficient design, and waste water treatment.
Compost  Composting without problems.
Death By Design  Debunks the notion that electronics is a 'clean' industry by revealing the human and environmental cost of electronic gadgets that are designed to die.
Divide In Concord  A fiery octogenarian activist spearheads a grassroots campaign to ban the sale of single-serve plastic bottled water in Concord, MA.
Doing the Right Thing  Porto Alegre, Brazil has benefited from urban revitalization.
Edens Lost and Found  4-part series that highlights models for urban transformation in the effort to make Chicago, Philadelphia, Los Angeles and Seattle into sustainable cities.
Going Green  Reducing the "unfriendly" impact of your household on the environment.
Greening Business  Reports on sustainable business practices and philosophy.
Here's My Question: Where Does My Garbage Go?  A fun film to teach kids about waste and recycling.
Home  Green technology and innovative design save energy.
The Home  Families can reduce air pollution and save money.
It's Gotten Rotten  Classroom composting engages students in inquiry-based science.
La Camioneta  The transformation of an old American school bus into a brightly-colored public bus in Guatemala speaks volumes about our globalized world.
The Next Industrial Revolution  Architect Bill McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart bring together ecology and human design.
No Spare Parts  Ingenious recycling of used car parts in Ghana.
Once Was Water  Las Vegas provides an example to the world of how any city can and must create its own sustainable water solutions.
Planet Neighborhood  The latest in energy saving technology and good design.
Planet Neighborhood: Classroom Modules  Middle school science series on energy-efficiency and good design.
Racing To Zero  Follows San Francisco's innovative efforts towards achieving zero waste, thereby dramatically reducing the city's carbon footprint.
Recycling is Fun!  Children discover their power to save the world.
Recycling with Worms  Composting garbage made easy with a worm bin.
Single-Use Planet  A search for the true headwaters of plastic entering the ocean finds more than it bargained for.
The Suzuki Diaries: Future City  David and Sarika Suzuki explore urban innovations leading toward sustainability.
Tapped  An unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water.
The Trash Troll  Calls young kids to action on beach pollution.
Waste  Surprising introduction to the many facets of our waste problem.
The White Hole  Amusing animated film about our response to the toxic waste crisis.
Work  Energy-efficient skyscrapers, controlling waste, and innovative automobile design and recycling.
Wrought  What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?
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