COMMUNITY SCREENINGS Bullfrog Films has launched a new initiative, Bullfrog Communities, to make it easy for individuals to host a film screening that will generate discussion and action in your area - and you can charge admission! Sign up now to be kept informed at the Bullfrog Communities website!
Our site enables you to order securely online
with a credit card or purchase order, or you
can use our printable order form for faxing or
mailing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Home Video
We sell a few of our titles as home videos. This means they are for your personal use only. NO PUBLIC PERFORMANCE IS PERMITTED. This means you are not permitted to show the video to your church group, environmental organization, PTA, etc. Please check our license policy. Bullfrog has a policy of NOT selling home videos to public libraries or educational institutions. Besides the issue of public performance rights, home video sales do not return enough money to our producers in the form of royalties. We sell them to individuals who otherwise would have no access to these programs.
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Films, Inc.
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and high resolution press stills, please contact Bullfrog Films.