In Our Own Hands
How Patients Are Reinventing Medicine

Follows the extraordinary steps ordinary people are taking to help millions with chronic diseases find their way back to health.

67 minutes
SDH Captioned>>
Directed by Elizabeth Horn
Produced by Elizabeth Horn, Steve Michelson
Executive Producers: Steve Michelson, Zachary Nelson Concept Development: Gabriella Kellerman Director of Photography: Mario Furloni Editor: Rhonda Collins Motion Graphics Design: Stuart Sharpe Composer: Christopher Hedge A Porchlight Project in association with Lobitos Creek Ranch A Horn Production


"[E]ngaging and illuminating...[a] compelling case for medical data collection." Sharona Hoffman, Prof. Law & Bioethics, Case Western School of Law
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[Note: Community screenings of IN OUR OWN HANDS can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.]
IN OUR OWN HANDS: How Patients Are Reinventing Medicine opens with an urgent question posed by desperate patients and their families: Can new technologies help us treat and prevent the most alarming and perhaps understated health threats that we face?
Through the stories of the impassioned, often defiant struggles of the film's three central characters—all with complex, unresolved medical issues—IN OUR OWN HANDS explores the emergence of "participatory medicine", enabled by a host of groundbreaking technologies that put more data about our own biological, behavioral and environmental ecosystems into our hands (and often onto our phones) than ever before possible.
IN OUR OWN HANDS shows viewers the birth of this "Citizen Science" movement and will change the way you think about illness and how we can stay healthy.

Grade Level: 7 - 12, College, Adults
US Release Date: 2022
Copyright Date: 2020
DVD ISBN: 1-948745-87-9

Reviews "Health care needs disruption. It will not come from within. In Our Own Hands shows how patients may be the catalyst to drive the changes that will benefit all of us." Ray Dorsey, MD, Professor of Neurology, University of Rochester, Author, Ending Parkinson's Disease: A Prescription for Action
"This is an engaging and illuminating film that is anchored by the powerful stories of several patients and their families. It makes a compelling case for medical data collection and its promise. It also demonstrates what progress is possible when patients and caregivers become citizen scientists and health care advocates." Sharona Hoffman, Professor of Law and Bioethics, Co-Director, Law-Medicine Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Law
"An engaging introduction into the rapidly changing landscape of personalized healthcare that puts the patient in the center of discovery. Well-researched and featuring many leading academic clinical scientists sharing their insights alongside patients and caregivers in highly approachable ways." Ted Smith, PhD, Associate Professor of Environmental Medicine, Director of Center for Healthy Air, Water and Soil, University of Louisville, Board Member, Citizen Science Association
"Recommended...Compelling...This film highlights integrative and participatory medicine during a unique time in history as technology continues to pervade our world and citizen science gains traction. It can provide insight into the future of the patient/provider interaction for healthcare professionals and inspire patients who have long felt unheard to use their voices." Karen Yacobucci, NYU Langone Health, Educational Media Reviews Online
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DVDs include public performance rights.

DVD Features SDH captions for the deaf and hard-of-hearing, and scene selection
Subjects Anthropology Autism Digital Medicine Environmental Medicine Epigenetics Food And Nutrition Functional Medicine Gastroenterology Genetics Health Integrative Medicine Machine Learning/AI in Health Neurology Sociology Speech and Language Technology
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