The Intertidal Zone Ecology of the ecological zone between the tides.
17 minutes
Directed by David Denning
Produced by George Johnson, The National Film Board of Canada
Through the eyes of a patient and observant marine biologist we explore the ecology of the intertidal zone, that area covered by the highest tides and exposed during the lowest.
The intertidal zone is a place of great beauty and diversity; it is a highly productive environment providing food for humans and animals; and, it is an indicator of the health of our coastal waters and oceans.
The film explains how pollution may concentrate in intertidal food chains.
THE INTERTIDAL ZONE is an astonishing glimpse at the food chains, interactive life cycles, and many special adaptations to this difficult environment.
Grade Level: 5-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1986
Copyright Date: 1985
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-336-6
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0384-9
Reviews "Using beautiful and artistic photography, this film captures the essence of life in the intertidal zone."
"Sterling photography abounds in this visually exciting . . . stunning nature documentary incorporating aerial, close-up, and brilliant underwater shots to capture a diversity of organisms. Like Bullfrog's ESTUARY, a conservation message concludes this eye-catching program for public library, nature group, and classroom viewing."
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