
A classic energy film that reveals our underlying dependence on fossil fuels.

12 minutes
Directed by Daniel Hoffman
Produced by Earth Chronicles


"A mind-blowing illustration of the misuse of energy."
Energy and the Way We Live
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One of the most effective energy films ever made, TOAST illustrates our underlying dependence on fossil fuels, and takes as its example the production and distribution of a commonplace item, bread. Using only flowing images set to music, it documents all the fossil fuel inputs, from the oil well head (to make the fertilizer to grow the wheat, etc.) to the toaster.

Grade Level: 3-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1977
Copyright Date: 1974
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-604-7
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-286-5

Reviews "One energy film in particular should be seen by everyone of all ages (grades 3 and up) in the whole world, Toast." New Roots
"A mind-blowing illustration of the misuse of energy." Energy and the Way We Live
"It packs a creative and emotional punch that will make people, especially younger students, think about energy consumption." Reel Change
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Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals Judges' Award, North American Consumer Film Festival
Featured at U.S. Pavilion World's Fair, Knoxville
Black Bear Film Festival
Subjects Consumerism Energy Future Studies Natural Resources Non-Verbal Social Studies
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