Exotic Terrane

Geological discoveries in the Pacific Northwest.

28 minutes
Produced by Doug Prose
Narrated by John Forsythe Sponsored by the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S. Geological Survey

The geological term "exotic terrane" refers to a group of rocks that has attached itself to a tectonic plate and migrated away from its place of origin. This fascinating program documents the latest geological discoveries in the Pacific Northwest, where fossils of an equatorial coral reef are being found along the ridges of Hells Canyon in eastern Oregon.
EXOTIC TERRANE contains the dramatic story of the scientists who pieced together the history of these rocks, and offers an explanation of the tectonic activity that makes such exotic displacements possible.

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1992
Copyright Date: 1992
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-513-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-438-8

Reviews "Lays out the story of the Hell's Canyon region almost like a mysterious jigsaw puzzle, where wildly improbable pieces of history fit together in a remarkable picture of our ever-changing earth...Students from high school to college will find themselves enthralled." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"Fascinating insights into the cooperation of scientists as they unravel the complex mysteries of the origins of the Earth's surface...Effective tool for the study of plate tectonics at the high school or college level...excellent." The Science Teacher
"Magnificent footage of the Pacific Northwest, three-dimensional animated diagrams, and well-labeled maps combine with expert interviews and informative narration... fascinating program." Booklist
"Viewers will receive an informed and informative perspective of the tectonic activity along the Pacific Coast...[a] superbly produced, visually stunning, 'viewer friendly' documentar[y] that [is] enthusiastically recommended for community libraries, science video collections, and school classroom curriculum supplementation."
"Students from high school to college will find themselves enthralled."
**** Video Rating Guide for Libraries

Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals Honorable Mention, American Film and Video Festival
Subjects American Studies Earth Science Geography Geology Humanities Pacific Studies Plate Tectonics Scientists Western US
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