Carnival of Shadows

R. Murray Schafer's bizarre love story set in an old outdoor carnival.

58 minutes
Directed by Barbara Willis Sweete
Produced by Rhombus Media

A bizarre mixture of opera, dance fantasy, rock video, fairy tale and horror movie, CARNIVAL OF SHADOWS is based on the Greek myth of Theseus, Ariadne, and the Minotaur, presented as a modern love story gone mad within the grounds of an old-style outdoor carnival. Conceived and composed by R. Murray Schafer, Canada's most renowned composer and spectacle maker, CARNIVAL OF SHADOWS presents over 100 performers -- from singers, dancers, actors and musicians to acrobats, magicians, jugglers and fire-eaters.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1990
Copyright Date: 1989
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-884-8
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-039-0

Reviews "This film adaptation of 'The Greatest Show' is narrated by the character of a circus gypsy psychic who realizes that the handsome young man, for whom she is reading tarot cards, is Theseus, destined to meet his Ariadne, and be rivaled by the evil Minotaur, and die. The forces of reality and illusion are always at odds in this photo-surrealistic drama/ballet/special effects/occult musical about the Greek myth." Landers
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"Hypnotizing... The direction, editing, and all performances are first-rate... Would make a wonderful addition to any college course on Greek mythology..." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries

Subjects Dance Humanities Music Performing Arts
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"Hypnotizing... The direction, editing, and all performances are first-rate... Would make a wonderful addition to any college course on Greek mythology; its compact length and enriching sub-texts would no doubt stimulate thoughtful discussion." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries