The Decade of Destruction Series
In the Ashes of the Forest
Part 2

Concludes the Amazon colonists' saga.

57 minutes
Directed by Adrian Cowell
Produced by Adrian Cowell

The first film follows the saga of two colonists, Chico and Renato, and a never previously photographed Indian tribe, the Uru Eu Wau Wau. Renato is a landless peasant who has been lured into the rainforest with promises of free land and big harvests. He and his neighbors slash and burn the forest to clear the land, only to discover that the soil is so poor their crops will not grow. In retaliation for the settlers' incursions, the Indians kidnap Chico's 7-year-old son. As the little boy's family searches for the kidnappers, the government tries to make peace with the Indians. By the decade's end, the fate of Chico's boy is learned; an epidemic kills many of the Indians; the settlers' farms have failed; and more than 15% of the forest has been destroyed.
Other titles in the series are:
In the Ashes of the Forest - Part 1 - Saga of two colonists in the Amazon rainforest.
Killing for Land - Squatters face off against gunmen hired by absentee landlords in the Amazon.
Mountains of Gold - Gold mining in the Amazon is a dangerous and dirty business.
The Killing of Chico Mendes - The story of rainforest defender, Chico Mendes, that ended with his 1988 assassination.

Grade Level: 9-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1990
Copyright Date: 1990
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-331-5
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-025-0

Reviews "Packed with information, this documentary sheds new light on the issue...Highly recommended, this is an outstanding choice." Video Rating Guide for Libraries
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"Highly recommended, this is an outstanding choice."
Video Rating Guide for Libraries

Awards and Festivals Blue Ribbon, American Film & Video Festival
Gold Apple, National Educational Film & Video Festival
Special Jury Award, San Francisco International Film Festival
Subjects Brazil Developing World Environment Forests and Rainforests History Humanities Indigenous Peoples International Studies Latin America Politics
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