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BlowbackBlowback    View Trailer
Using films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples, BLOWBACK explores how movies shape our understanding of the wars that are fought in our name.
Catching Sight of Thelma & LouiseCatching Sight of Thelma & Louise    View Trailer
Explores the same women's and men's reactions to the groundbreaking film, THELMA & LOUISE, 25 years ago and today.
A Crime on the BayouA Crime on the Bayou    View Trailer
A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.
For the Love of MoviesFor the Love of Movies    View Trailer
For the Love of Movies is the first documentary to dramatize the history of American film criticism and to explore its role in the evolution of American film.
Kabul TransitKabul Transit    View Trailer
A street-level documentary that explores the soul of a city devastated by nearly three decades of war.
No Bigger Than A MinuteNo Bigger Than A Minute    View Trailer
Director Steven Delano explores dwarfism through images from movies, paintings, and popular culture and through his own experience as a "little person".
The Same River TwiceThe Same River Twice    View Trailer
The evolution of a group of river guides from the late 70s to today.
SecrecySecrecy    View Trailer
A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.
Stray DogStray Dog    View Trailer
Oscar-nominated filmmaker Debra Granik ("Winter's Bone") returns to SW Missouri for her first documentary, looking at the life of Vietnam vet, Ron "Stray Dog" Hall, and shattering some stereotypes.
Tokyo WakaTokyo Waka    View Trailer
A poem about a city, its people, and 20,000 crows.
The Waiting RoomThe Waiting Room    View Trailer
A day in the life of a public hospital's ER waiting room captures what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance.
Yo-Yo MaYo-Yo Ma    View Trailer
Yo-Yo Ma collaborates with artists from different media to create new works inspired by Bach's cello suites.
Addicted to Plastic    View Trailer
Reveals the history and worldwide scope of plastics pollution, investigates its toxicity and explores solutions.

All In This Tea    View Trailer
Crusading American tea importer, David Lee Hoffman, supports China's endangered organic farmers by searching out fine, chemical-free teas.

The American Ruling Class    View Trailer
A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts to answer the question 'Who rules America?'

Becoming Animal    View Trailer
A journey to Grand Teton NP with geophilosopher David Abram to explore how the written word and technology have affected how we see the more-than-human world.

Blowback    View Trailer
Using films about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as examples, BLOWBACK explores how movies shape our understanding of the wars that are fought in our name.

Brothers On The Line    View Trailer
The extraordinary story of the Reuther brothers who challenged the automobile industry, and helped build the union movement that remade America.

Burnt Toast    View Trailer
Eight comedic mini-operas, each depicting a different stage of a romantic relationship.

Catching Sight of Thelma & Louise    View Trailer
Explores the same women's and men's reactions to the groundbreaking film, THELMA & LOUISE, 25 years ago and today.

China Blue    View Trailer
A clandestinely shot, deep-access account of how the clothes we buy are actually made.

A Crime on the Bayou    View Trailer
A Black teenager is arrested for touching a white boy's arm! The unjustly arrested Black man and his young Jewish attorney take the case to the Supreme Court to fight for the right of all Americans to a fair trial.

Crips and Bloods: Made in America    View Trailer
Chronicles the decades-long cycle of destruction and despair that defines modern gang culture in South LA.

Denial    View Trailer
A unique film about the filmmaker's father, a utility executive and smart grid pioneer in a nation in denial about climate change, who battles his own denial about his true identity.

Flight of the Stone    View Trailer
Witty pixilation follows a stone, thrown in anger, in its flight around the world.

For the Love of Movies    View Trailer
For the Love of Movies is the first documentary to dramatize the history of American film criticism and to explore its role in the evolution of American film.

From This Day Forward    View Trailer
Tells the story of a love, and family, that survived the most intimate of transformations.

Herd    View Trailer
Equal parts rumination, observation and meditation, HERD challenges us to think differently about our fellow living animal beings.

In the Light of Reverence    View Trailer
A stunning portrait of land-use conflicts over Native American sacred sites on public and private land around the West from the producers of STANDING ON SACRED GROUND.

Independent Intervention    View Trailer
Focuses on the human cost of the Iraq War to contrast corporate-controlled media coverage with independent media.

Kabul Transit    View Trailer
A street-level documentary that explores the soul of a city devastated by nearly three decades of war.

No Bigger Than A Minute    View Trailer
Director Steven Delano explores dwarfism through images from movies, paintings, and popular culture and through his own experience as a "little person".

Passage    View Trailer
A brilliantly innovative telling of the story of Dr. John Rae who discovered the awful truth about the fate of the Franklin Expedition's attempt to find the Northwest Passage.

s-yéwyáw Awaken    View Trailer
Stories of hope and homecoming intersect as Indigenous multimedia changemakers learn and document the teachings of their Elders.

The Same River Twice    View Trailer
The evolution of a group of river guides from the late 70s to today.

Sarabande    View Trailer
Feature film maker Atom Egoyan weaves a tale inspired by Bach's 4th Cello Suite.

Secrecy    View Trailer
A brilliant visual essay about the costs, benefits and history of the vast, invisible world of government secrecy.

The Sound of the Carceri    View Trailer
Yo-Yo Ma performs Bach in a virtual prison designed by Piranesi.

Stray Dog    View Trailer
Oscar-nominated filmmaker Debra Granik ("Winter's Bone") returns to SW Missouri for her first documentary, looking at the life of Vietnam vet, Ron "Stray Dog" Hall, and shattering some stereotypes.

30 Frames a Second: The WTO in Seattle    View Trailer
Photojournalist's personal odyssey through the streets of Seattle during the WTO meeting.

This Is Home    View Trailer
Sundance award-winner puts a human face on the global refugee crisis by providing an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families arriving in the US and struggling to find their footing.

Tina In Mexico    View Trailer
The story of renowned photographer Tina Modotti, acclaimed for her innovative and impassioned depiction of social issues.

Tokyo Waka    View Trailer
A poem about a city, its people, and 20,000 crows.

Translation Possible    View Trailer
Using a simple filmic device, this film illustrates the disorientation we all feel on encountering a new culture, and the way we gradually learn to fit in.

Triple Divide [REDACTED]    View Trailer
Exposes the mishandling and cover-up of drinking water contamination related to unconventional natural gas extraction — aka fracking — in Pennsylvania.

Valentino's Ghost (New Edition)    View Trailer
Exposes the ways in which America's foreign policy agenda in the Middle East drives the mainstream media's portrayals of Arabs and Muslims.

Virtual JFK    View Trailer
A filmic examination of "virtual history." What would Kennedy have done in Vietnam if he had lived and been re-elected in 1964?

The Waiting Room    View Trailer
A day in the life of a public hospital's ER waiting room captures what it means for millions of Americans to live without health insurance.

Waterlife    View Trailer
An epic cinematic poem that reveals the extraordinary beauty and complex toxicity of the Great Lakes, the largest remaining supply of fresh water (20%) on Earth.

The Yes Men Fix The World    View Trailer
Two daring political activists, posing as top executives, infiltrate conferences and pull off pranks designed to provoke better business practices.

Yo-Yo Ma    View Trailer
Yo-Yo Ma collaborates with artists from different media to create new works inspired by Bach's cello suites.

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