
 | | Dance Me To The End Of Time  Set against the backdrop of Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring, the film documents the last 4 years of the filmmaker's life-partner, outspoken lesbian theater director, Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer. | |
 | | Dead Mums Don't Cry  Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals. | |
 | | From The Ground Up  Five 9/11 widows of New York firefighters pay tribute to their husbands by accomplishing extraordinary feats in their communities, turning evil into good. | |
 | | Helen Nearing  A moving portrait of the lives and deaths of homesteading authors, Helen and Scott Nearing. | |
 | | The Hospice  Workers at the Mother of Mercy hospice in Zambia provide palliative care for those afflicted with AIDS. | |
 | | Into The Night  2-DVD set features intimate, provocative stories of men and women forever changed by their encounters with mortality. | |
 | | A Will for the Woods  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death. | |
A-OK?  Examines prospects for Vitamin A distribution programs in Guatemala and Ghana necessary for children's health.
Brazil  Brazil has developed generic antiretroviral drugs to care for those afflicted with HIV/AIDS.
City Life  22-part series examining the effect of globalization on people and cities worldwide.
Cracking Cancer  A clinical research trial at the Personalized OncoGenomics Program is changing the way scientists think about the future of cancer care.
Dance Me To The End Of Time  Set against the backdrop of Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring, the film documents the last 4 years of the filmmaker's life-partner, outspoken lesbian theater director, Nancy Diuguid's life, as she fought breast cancer.
Dead Mums Don't Cry  Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
Force Of Nature  Inspirational distillation of the life, thoughts and legacy of famed Canadian scientist, broadcaster and activist, David Suzuki.
From The Ground Up  Five 9/11 widows of New York firefighters pay tribute to their husbands by accomplishing extraordinary feats in their communities, turning evil into good.
Helen Nearing  A moving portrait of the lives and deaths of homesteading authors, Helen and Scott Nearing.
The Hospice  Workers at the Mother of Mercy hospice in Zambia provide palliative care for those afflicted with AIDS.
Into The Night  2-DVD set features intimate, provocative stories of men and women forever changed by their encounters with mortality.
Julie de Varennes in Canada  A former sufferer helps kids coping with cancer; giving them hope and inspiration.
Life 4  A 27-part series about global efforts to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals.
The Other Side  Poor Mexicans attempt perilous border crossing to US, often at the expense of family, traditional culture, and their lives.
Paying the Price  Pharmaceutical companies block generic drugs, threatening the lives of millions of Africans with AIDS.
The Shaman's Apprentice  Ethnobotanist Mark Plotkin's quest to preserve the ancient wisdom of Amazonian shamans.
Together Against Violence  Poor Jamaican community overcomes violence.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods (Short Version)  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
A Will for the Woods  Clark Wang's passionate wish for a legacy of green burials inspires a profoundly affecting and optimistic portrait of people finding meaning in death.
Wrought  What can the slimy, putrid, multi-species world of rot teach us about ourselves?
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