
 | | Dead Mums Don't Cry  Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals. | |
 | | Let Them Eat Dirt:  Looks at the role microbes play in the development, physical and mental health of our children, and argues that good health may begin with kids playing in the dirt. | |
 | | Midwives...Lullabies...and Mother Earth  Fascinating look at pioneering natural birth doctor, Michel Odent. | |
 | | The Motherhood Manifesto  Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance. | |
 | | No Country For Young Girls?  A young Indian woman has to choose - stay with a husband who doesn't want female children, or make it on her own. | |
 | | Their Brothers' Keepers  A deeply moving film about Africa's AIDS orphans left to fend for themselves. | |
City Life  22-part series examining the effect of globalization on people and cities worldwide.
Dead Mums Don't Cry  Grace Kodindo's heroic efforts in Chad to lower the rate of maternal mortality, one of the UN's Millennium Development Goals.
The Doctor's Story  The US debate over abortion has severe consequences for health care in rural Nepal.
A Fistful of Rice  Protein deficiency threatens generations of children in Nepal.
Let Them Eat Dirt:  Looks at the role microbes play in the development, physical and mental health of our children, and argues that good health may begin with kids playing in the dirt.
Life  30-part series that looks at the effect of globalization on individuals and communities around the world.
Lost Generations  Poor health and poverty condemn people in India to sub-standard lives.
Midwives...Lullabies...and Mother Earth  Fascinating look at pioneering natural birth doctor, Michel Odent.
The Miller's Tale  Efforts are underway in Egypt and Yemen to fortify flour with iron to wipe out needless malnutrition.
Missing Out  Anemia threatens the population of Niger and Tanzania.
The Motherhood Manifesto  Looks at the obstacles facing working mothers and families and the employer and public policy changes needed to restore work-life balance.
No Country For Young Girls?  A young Indian woman has to choose - stay with a husband who doesn't want female children, or make it on her own.
On the Way  Sex education project combats teenage pregnancy in Peru.
Pavements of Gold  Increase in urban poverty and population, caused by globalization, threatens Peruvians.
Paying the Price  Pharmaceutical companies block generic drugs, threatening the lives of millions of Africans with AIDS.
Reel to Real: Holding Our Ground  International efforts to assure reproductive health and rights conflict with cultural realities in the Philippines, Latvia, Japan, and India.
Rosita  The plight of a nine-year-old Nicaraguan girl, who becomes pregnant as the result of a rape, triggers a battle over whose life has precedence.
Running On Empty  Highlights the plight of two young mothers - one in South Wales and the other in Northern Ethiopia.
Stop the Traffick  Investigates horror of child sex industry in Cambodia.
The Story of Rosie  Teen pregnancy in Jamaica.
Sun Kissed  One gene exposes a nation's dark past. A Navajo couple with two children born with an extremely rare genetic disorder investigate the cause of the outbreak.
Their Brothers' Keepers  A deeply moving film about Africa's AIDS orphans left to fend for themselves.
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