
Musical experiment with a choir, symphony orchestra, and three killer whales.

50 minutes
Directed by Barbara Willis Sweete
Produced by Rhombus Media
Featuring the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Vancouver Bach Choir, Judith Forst and Mark Pedrotti

Part concert, part whale show and part surrealistic madness, WHALESONG is an unforgettable documentary about a unique musical experiment featuring the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, the Vancouver Bach Choir, opera singers Judith Forst and Mark Pedrotti, and three killer whales, Hyak, Finna and Bjossa.
This unlikely combination of performers gathers one day at the Vancouver Aquarium. Beginning as a comedy of errors, the day culminates in a magical concert performance where whales soar gracefully through the air and sing an eerie song to the accompaniment of orchestra and choir.
Also available:
WHALESONG (Short Version)

Grade Level: 7-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1989
Copyright Date: 1986
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-932-1
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-121-4

Reviews "The sight of these eminently graceful mammals soaring through the air, along with the unique and obviously happy sounds they emit, turns this oddly-cast concert into a thing of very special beauty." Detroit Free Press
"An extraordinary celebration of the whale... a gentle engaging film." Edmonton Journal
"Perfectly captures the spirit of this playful and inspired undertaking... The photography, sound work, and editing are superb...Highly recommended for audiences of all ages." **** Video Rating Guide for Libraries
"Highly recommended...a rare experience of oneness with creatures other than our fellow humans, plus an appreciation of what serious contemporary music can be about."
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"An extraordinary celebration of the whale... a gentle engaging film." Edmonton Journal

Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals ALA Selected Films for Young Adults
Blue Ribbon, American Film Festival
Best Sound, Gemini Awards, Toronto
Prix Italia
Banff Television Festival
Subjects Animals Canadian Studies Humanities Humor Life Science Music Performing Arts
Related Titles

For the Whales Writers, artists, and musicians celebrate the whale.
A Life Among Whales A fascinating exploration into the life and work of whale biologist and activist Roger Payne.
The Science of Whales The latest discoveries about whale behavior and communication and the grave danger posed by new U.S. Navy sonar technology.
... more Reviews
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