Who's Counting?
Marilyn Waring on Sex, Lies and Global Economics

Marilyn Waring demystifies global economics from a feminist perspective.

94 minutes
Closed Captioned
Directed by Terre Nash
Produced by The National Film Board of Canada


"Will forever change your perception of justice, economics... Watch this film."
Gloria Steinem
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Marilyn Waring is the foremost spokesperson for global feminist economics, and her ideas offer new avenues of approach for political action. With persistence and wit she has succeeded in drawing attention to the fact that GDP has no negative side to its accounts--such as damage to the environment--and completely ignores the unpaid work of women. "Why is the market economy all that counts?" Ms. Waring asks.
In 1975, when she was just 22 years old, she was elected to the New Zealand parliament. She was re-elected three times, and eventually brought down the government on the issue of making New Zealand a nuclear free zone.
When she was chairperson of the Public Expenditures Committee, she perfected what she calls the "art of the dumb question." Ever since she has challenged the myths of economics, its elitist stance, and our tacit compliance with political agendas that masquerade as objective economic policy.
This film has inspired many people -- notably the Who's Counting Project -- to work on human-scale economic alternatives, local currency exchanges, and more humane ways of measuring the quality of life.

Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1995
DVD ISBN: 0-7722-1158-2
VHS ISBN: 0-7722-0574-4

Reviews "Meeting Marilyn Waring on film will forever change your perception of justice, economics, and the worth of your own works. Watch this film." Gloria Steinem
"I give this film (and Ms. Waring, of course) every superlative...riveting, revealing, inspiring etc. It penetrates to the heart of the global, ecological, and social crisis that afflicts the world." Dr. David Suzuki
"A devastating critique of monetized economics, portrayed with compelling beauty and humor by Oscar-winning director Terre Nash. The film contrasts the vast, uncounted productivity of nature and women worldwide with United Nations-mandated national accounting systems rooted in military economics." Tranet
" Waring is one of the liveliest speakers I've ever heard...She also has an uncanny ability to put complex information into easily opened packages...If knowledge is power, WHO'S COUNTING is an empowering gift." Communities
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Links Study guide
Awards and Festivals Chris Award, Columbus International Film & Video Festival
Human Rights Watch International Film Festival
Silver Plaque, Chicago International Film Festival
Toronto International Film Festival, Toronto
Vancouver International Film Festival
International Film Festival for Documentary, Bombay
Sunny Side of the Doc, Marseilles
Atlantic Film Festival
Film Art Fest, Llubjana Slovenia
USA Film Festival
Women in the Director's Chair International Film Festival
Rocky Mountain Women's Film Festival
Wilbur Awards Competition
Drambuie International Film Festival
Cinefalbe, Montreuil, France
Grand Illusion Cinema, Seattle
Mardi Gras Film Festival, Australia
UNA Film Festival at Stanford
Global Cinema Café, Third World Center, Princeton
Subjects Biography Economics Environment Globalization History Humanities Social Justice Social Psychology Sociology Women's Studies
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