Bullfrog Films
14 minutes
Grades 10-12, College, Adult

Directed by Charlotte Metcalf
Produced by TVE and BBC

DVD Purchase $79, Rent $45

US Release Date: 1998
Copyright Date: 1998
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-401-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-755-7

African Studies
Female Genital Mutilation
Gender Issues
Gender Studies
Human Rights
Reproductive Rights
Social Change
Social Justice
Women's Studies

Awards and Festivals
Golden Spire, San Francisco International Film Festival
Bronze Plaque, Columbus International Film Festival
Silver Apple, National Educational Media Network Competition
Vermont International Film Festival
United Nations Association Film Festival
The Hague Cairo +5 Festival
Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Edinburgh
House of Commons, special session organized by the All Party Committee on Population, Development, Development and Reproductive Health, London
Welcome to Womanhood

Efforts to stop female genital mutilation in Uganda.

"A grisly topic...presented...without sensationalism or undue gore." Teacher Librarian

In the remote Kapchorwe region of Uganda, female circumcision ceremonies occur among the Sabiny people every two years. NOT THE NUMBERS GAME producers looked at the United Nations Population Fund's 'REACH' effort to stop the practice of female genital mutilation in THE CUTTING EDGE.

Now TVE's crew returns to Uganda with BBC correspondent Donu Kogbara as the date approaches for the next season of female circumcision ceremonies.

Web Page: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/wtw.html

"It is a grisly topic, female genital mutilation, but is presented in this program without sensationalism or undue gore. Kogbara interviewed both opponents and proponents of the custom, and their onscreen comments make up much of this short program. Kogbara herself makes no effort to hide her own despair at the situation. What she discovered was that while some young Sabiny women, due at least in part to the efforts of REACH, are now avowing to never undergo the procedure, still 'six thousand young girls continue to be mutilated daily in Africa.'"

Teacher Librarian

"Well filmed and comfortably paced. It touches succinctly upon some major issues surrounding female circumcision...The thirteen-minute running time is excellent for classroom use...I highly recommend this film for high school and undergraduate college students, when supplemented with...supporting materials."
Victoria Razak, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Buffalo, Anthropology Review Database