Bullfrog Films
26 minutes
Grades 7-12, College, Adult

Directed by Franny Armstrong
Produced by Spanner Films Ltd. and Journeyman Pictures

DVD Purchase $79, Rent $45

US Release Date: 2003
Copyright Date: 2002
DVD ISBN: 1-59458-091-X
VHS ISBN: 1-56029-997-5

American Studies
Arctic Studies
Climate Change/Global Warming
Earth Science
Environmental Ethics
Indigenous Peoples
Native Americans
Natural Resources

Awards and Festivals
Bronze Plaque, Columbus International Film & Video Festival
Robert Flaherty Film Seminar at MoMA
Anchorage International Film Festival
Environmental Media Awards
Vermont International Film Festival
MountainFilm, Telluride
Hazel Wolf Environmental Film Festival
Artivist Film Festival
Siskiyou Environmental Film Festival
CHAOS Film Festival
Baked Alaska

Looks at the battle over the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the context of Alaska's accelerated warming.

"It is important for everyone to see 'Baked Alaska', a wake up call for action on global warming." Deborah L. Williams, Executive Director, Alaska Conservation Foundation

"The weather really changed", says Eleanor Sam, plucking feathers from a goose. "When we were children we wore thick fur. We don't wear clothes like that any more..."

In 2002 temperatures in Alaska were rising ten times faster than in the rest of the world. President George W. Bush was ignoring the warning signs about global warming; after pulling out of the Kyoto convention, he wanted to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. Native Alaskans were divided: the Inupiat Eskimos wanted the jobs and the money that drilling would bring, but the Gwich'in Indians feared it would destroy their caribou. Alaska is rich in oil - but for every barrel shipped south, damage is done to the delicate balance of Arctic life.

Web Page: http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/catalog/ba.html

"As documented thoughtfully in 'Baked Alaska', global warming is having significant, adverse impacts on Alaska's environment and indigenous peoples right now. These impacts are unquestionably measurable, costly, and a harbinger of the devastating impacts that global warming will have on the rest of the nation and world. It is important for everyone to see 'Baked Alaska', a wake up call for action on global warming."

Deborah L. Williams, Executive Director, Alaska Conservation Foundation

"The case study approach showing communities who are, right now, suffering from the consequences of global warming is very effective."
Jacqueline Fern, Lane Community College

"Provides cogent anecdotal and scientific evidence of the impact of the state's rising temperatures through a combination of interviews with tribal members, scientists, oil industry representatives and other citizens. Baked Alaska takes a compelling and objective look at an important issue that should garner interest from individuals beyond the state's boundaries. Recommended for junior high through adult audiences."
Todd Hannon, Educational Media Reviews Online

"Breathtaking scenery and real people with stories to tell highlight the issues of global warming, that balance of nature, and the environmental costs of our oil consumption. This balanced production would be useful to generate discussion in science and environmental studies classes."
School Library Journal

"Well produced, with excellent scenic footage and narration. [Baked Alaska] presents a documented explanation of the dilemma in order to comprehend the different community perspectives."
Library Journal