Bullfrog Films
We hear faculty are looking for resources and approaches to address current social issues, and to explore avenues for productive action. We are pleased to announce the release of four new films that can be of help. Please get in touch if you would like a streaming preview of any of the programs below to evaluate for purchase.

The Activists

The Activists

THE ACTIVISTS: War, Peace, and Politics in the Streets looks at the recent history of peace activism, and the ways that ordinary people have found to try to bring about their vision of a just world, and stop wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"A wonderful and revealing depiction of antiwar protest politics. It offers a realistic portrait of the challenges and potential of organizing street protest designed to mobilize public opinion. There's a lot to learn from this film." Jeffrey Berry, Professor of Political Science, Tufts University

How to Let Go of the World>

How to Let Go of the World

HOW TO LET GO OF THE WORLD AND LOVE ALL THE THINGS THAT CLIMATE CAN’T CHANGE Oscar-nominated director Josh Fox contemplates our future by exploring the reality of climate change and celebrating some of the human values that we’ll need to persevere: democracy, human rights, choice, civil disobedience, creativity, innovation, resilience, courage, community and love.

"As we try to help our students and neighbors wrestle with the despair we may all see from the loss of species, places, and people to rising seas, stronger storms, and other impacts from climate change, this is the movie to show. Too often, we can be overwhelmed by the magnitude of the challenge and become mired in apathy - this film uses humor and wisdom to move from well-informed futility to action guided by courage and community." Dr. Ninian Stein, Professor of Environmental Studies, Tufts University, Director of Earthos Institute

Love & Solidarity

Love & Solidarity

LOVE & SOLIDARITY: James Lawson & Nonviolence In The Search For Workers’ Rights explores the history of organizing and non-violent direct action through the eyes of Reverend James Lawson. Lawson provided crucial strategic guidance while working with Martin Luther King, Jr. in Southern freedom struggles and then in Los Angeles organizing nonviolence worker coalitions remaking the LA labor market.

“This film introduces us to the most important movements of the past half century — civil rights, workers’ rights, immigrant rights — the strategy of nonviolent civil disobedience. Viewers will be inspired by Lawson’s courage, hopefulness, and organizing genius. If you want to teach students how to bring about social change, Love and Solidarity is a place to start.” Peter Dreier, Professor of Politics, Chair of Urban and Environmental Policy Department, Occidental College

Disturbing the Peace

Disturbing the Peace

DISTURBING THE PEACE follows former enemy combatants — Israeli soldiers and Palestinian fighters — who have joined together to challenge the status quo and say “enough.” DISTURBING THE PEACE is a story of the human potential unleashed when we stop participating in a story that no longer serves us and, with the power of our convictions, take action to create new possibilities.

"Their stories are compelling - and persuasive...The transformations they describe are less like lightning bolts and more like dawning epiphanies." Andy Webster, The New York Times - *Critics' Pick*

Take a look at our "activism" subject page for a complete list of films modeling activists’ struggles in environment, labor, Native American, climate change, civil rights, military, social justice and diversity education.

All films are available for purchase with digital licensing options. We offer free previews for purchase evaluation. Streaming previews are available upon request.

To purchase streaming rights visit Docuseek2, the premier online streaming collection of essential documentary films for higher education. Community screenings for campus-wide events can be booked at Bullfrog Communities.

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