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Bullfrog Films
P.O. Box 149
Oley, PA 19547
Tel: 610/779-8226
Fax: 610/370-1978
Two Worlds Collide
Two activists take on McDonald's in the longest trial in English history.
53 minutes
(Now available on DVD with new feature version)
Color / Stereo
Grade Level: 10-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 2003
Copyright Date: 1997
ISBN (VHS): 1-56458-022-7
ISBN (DVD): 1-56458-156-8
Directed by Franny Armstrong
Produced by One-Off Productions Ltd
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"An often hilarious expose of big business arrogance." - Sydney Morning Herald
McLIBEL is the inside story of how a single father and a part-time bar worker took on the McDonald's Corporation. Filmed over three years, the documentary follows Helen Steel and Dave Morris as they are transformed from anonymous campaigners against the fast food giant into unlikely global heroes. Struggling to defend themselves in the longest trial in English history, the pair face infiltration by spies, secret meetings with corporate executives, 40,000 pages of background reading and a visit from Ronald McDonald.
Using interviews with witnesses and reconstructions of key moments in court, the film examines the main issues of the trial - nutrition, animals, advertising, employment, the environment - and the implications for freedom of speech.
McLIBEL is not about hamburgers. It is about the remorseless power of multinational corporations.
Awards: Robert Flaherty Film Seminar at MoMA
Orinda Film Festival
Tiburon International Film Festival
The London Children's Film Festival
Ellensburg Film Festival
Northern Lights Documentary Film Festival
Bay Street Film Festival
Libertas Film Festival, Croatia
The Women on Women Film Festival, Sydney
Sheffield International Film Festival
Cork International Film Festival
Reviews: "A remarkable achievement" - Ken Loach
"A cracker of a film" - John Vidal, The Guardian
"Powerful" - Time Out
"A vivid account of democracy in action - the people versus the system - and an often hilarious expose of big business arrogance...an extraordinary example of independent filmmaking"" - Sydney Morning Herald
"Dramatic, inspiring, hard-hitting and heart-warming" - New Internationalist
"A marvellous experience...This is a well-made account of British justice at work...You should see it, and take your children to see it." - The Sunday Telegraph
"Armstrong's persistence has turned MCLIBEL into a kind of cult film - screening on video, local access cable channels...and occasionally cinemas through an international network of activists." - Sydney Morning Herald-Metro
"[MCLIBEL] offers an extremely clear timeline to create peaks of excitement and dramatizations of court room exchanges. The documentary is filled with many useful interviews...a heroic story of how two underfunded, undermanned, overworked, true believers refused to lie down and took on a global monolith...highly recommended to viewers high school age and higher, particularly those interested in globalization, legal studies, and/or media culture." Michael J. Coffta, Business Librarian, Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania, Educational Media Reviews Online
"Fascinating...MCLIBEL serves as a nice complement to Morgan Spurlock's similarly themed, critically acclaimed documentary Super Size Me...Recommended" Library Journal
Related Subjects: Animal Rights Business Practices Consumerism Economics Environment Food And Nutrition Globalization Health Law Media Literacy Rainforests Sociology
Related Links: www.spannerfilms.net The producer's web site
Related Titles: McLibel: The new feature-length version and final chapter in the saga of the postman and the gardener who took on McDonald's. And won.
Deconstructing Supper: A leading chef investigates food safety in the age of GMOs and industrial agriculture.
Democracy à la Maude: A Canadian woman leads the fight against unjust corporate globalization, and for social justice.
Fat City: Sorts fact from fiction in the struggle for weight loss.
Food for Thought: Presents the environmental effects of eating meat.