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Bullfrog Films
P.O. Box 149
Oley, PA 19547
Tel: 610/779-8226
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Where the Heron Finds its Home
Great Blue Herons indicate the state of wetlands.
46 minutes
(2 parts for classrooms: 17/29)
Closed Captioned
Grade Level: 5-12, College, Adult
US Release Date: 1996
Copyright Date: 1995
ISBN: 1-56029-653-4
Produced by Len Gilday for CBC's "The Nature of Things"
Executive Producer: James Murray Hosted by David Suzuki Written by Amanda McConnell
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"An exceptional presentation on the wetland environment."
School Library Journal
North America's elegant Great Blue Heron is being discovered by biologists to be a remarkably sensitive indicator of the state of our wetlands. If herons are abundant, the wetlands they inhabit form a healthy ecosystem.
In the Florida Everglades, however, agriculture has invaded the wetlands and siphoned off its life-giving water, causing the population of Great Blue Herons and other wading birds to decline by up to 90%. On Vancouver Island a colony of Great Blues failed to raise chicks for two years because dioxins in the effluent from a pulp mill had contaminated their feeding grounds. When the mill was cleaned up, the colony once again flourished. In healthy nesting colonies as many as 400 adults and 1,000 young can create a noisy and spectacular crowd.
The presence of this largest and most widely distributed North American heron reflects the health of its wetland home.
Awards: Gold Apple, National Educational Media Competition
DESIRABLE, California Instructional Technology Clearinghouse
Reviews: "This high-quality video is suitable for students in grades 5-12. With some guidance, students in lower grades also would gain much from this program...All in all, this is an excellent film for public education." The Science Teacher
"This video is strongly recommended for any type of science collection. It is beautifully filmed and behaviors are well described. Most viewers will have an increased knowledge as well as an increased appreciation of the heron family and the delicate balance of wetland life." Dawn Littleton, Bio-Medical Library, University of Minnesota, MC Journal
"This is an exceptional presentation on the wetland environment." School Library Journal
Related Subjects: Biology Birds Ecology Environment Habitat Life Science Wetlands
Related Titles: Vanishing Wetlands: Wetlands destruction leads to flooding and the loss of wildlife habitat.
Still Life for Woodpecker?: Pileated woodpecker indicates health of old growth forests.
Creatures of the Sun: The ecology of the painted turtle.
The Wasting of a Wetland: The destruction of the Florida Everglades.
The Green Zone: The riparian zone: as important to the river as the water itself.
The Crabs, The Birds, The Bay: Migrating shorebirds feast on horseshoe crab eggs in Delaware Bay.
A Celebration of Birds with Roger Tory Peterson: A stunning portrait of the artist and naturalist.